All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Removing "Phone Home" features from XP?
quote:Originally posted by trc3:
I hadnt heard about palladium before, i searched around and found some articles and from what i read this sounds like by far the worst idea ever to come out of M$...
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Not only that, by my count it would be their *first* idea. If in fact it was their idea, which I'm sure it wasn't but it wouldn't be unlike them.
too bad its not the first time i think that they have used the technologie either. think about the xbox not haveing the ability to run abirtray code is a good example, hmmmmmm.......
quote: PS i kind of felt a bit sheepish when i got those FreeBSD CDs, trc, since i only sent you the two mandrake CDs in turn! hope they were adequate
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They were more then adequate, their great!...Since i got my mac with osx i hardly even touched my pc, but then i installed mandrake and it was like a whole new world. It not only does what i want and dosent spy on me, it's some thing new to me so i get to play around for hours trying to learn about it. My friends all think im a nerd now, cause lately ive just been staying at home on my computer messing with linux. But it's all good, it's fun. [edit] I've come to the conclusion XP is a complete pile of worthless shit. It's by far a downgrade from 98. All they did was put a ugly skin on it, change the names of a few folders and add ten times as many useless programs and "services". But dont forget the new start menu for easier access, this is suck a crock XP sucks...Also ive noticed everytime i do a search on my computer norton blocks C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe trying to access the net, im going back to winME it's not that bad compared to XP...
[ June 30, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]
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