All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Win 98
I wanted to set up one of my other boxes with a dual boot Win98/SuSe, as a multimedia machine wired to my tv and hifi installation.
Man, what a fucking piece of shit OS is Win98????
I didn't remember that it was that wothless!
I did the full install on a clean drive, installed the ton of drivers (rebooted a dozen times) and then when I finally wanna start to install the codecs and divx players I use I have to reboot one more time .... and I get a shitload of VXD files missing????
Should I try a Linux only installation?
I'm somewhat affraid I won't be able to access that pc from my network (I was planning a Pc Anywhere install to be able to start whatever movie or mp3 from my main pc).
I know there is Samba but I didn't fiddle with it yet, is it relatively easy to set up or am I gonna have a hard time lettin Winblows pc's communicate with Linux boxes?
for samba, it depends, do you want the windows computers to access files on the linux box, or do you want to acess files on the windows machine fomr the linux box
I'd like both to be possible.
If I do a Linux only install I'd have to be able to acces the Linux files from a Linux/Windows machine.
But if I dual boot I'd have to be able to cross-access the files from one OS to another, Linux-Linux/Linux-Windows/Windows-Linux.
Don't know if that's easily do-able though.
i get alot of the .vxd crap when ever i do a clean installation whats up with that>?
it happens especially when u do a fresh install and decide not to install the network drivers.
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