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ssh from win95b/98se
I've got ssh/sshd running successfully on a Red Hat 7 system. I'd like to avoid installing a ftpd and use ssh instead to move files around. Is there anything (hopefully free) that runs in win95b and 98se that can do file transfers over ssh? I already have a win32 ssh client in place of telnet, but that client doesn't do file transfers.
psftp from the putty project will do the job nicely. There is also "secure iXplorer" but I have had mixed results with it.
Use "pscp" (also from Putty) if you want something that acts more like "scp".
SMB is fine if you are on a local network but for transferring files across the Internet ssh/scp is the way to go. And you can do a lot of other things with SSH that you can not do with Samba.
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