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And yet another 3 more IE & 1 Windoze securty bugs revealed....*yawn*


I must say that each time I read of a new M$ flaw (which is becoming a daily tradition) I can't help but laugh harder and harder.

I really don't remember more than 1 or 2 days this entire summer when at least one M$ bug was not discovered. Horrible!

Microsoft just admitted to 3 more security flaws in Internet Explorer:

quote: Yet few organizations are likely to apply the patches because they involve desktop software, experts say.
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Also most places probably just can't catch up to all the new Microsoft patches. I mean really - one is being released after another daily. First a new bug is discovered. Microshit rushes out a patch. The next day a bug in the patch is found. Now the patch must be patched. The following day a new bug is found and the cycle continues.

The one good thing I see about this besides the Microsoft humiliation is that it's a good opportunity for job growth. I think businesses will soon need to create new positions for "patchers" - employees who would just sit there all day downloading and installing patch after patch after patch. System Administrators have more important things to do.

has linux ever had a worm or virus?


quote:Originally posted by raptor:
has linux ever had a worm or virus?
--- End quote ---

I guess he/she who dares to make such a worm or virus will be flogged on the spot.  :D    :D    :D

OSF.8759 virus

They do exist but in far fewer numbers, I mean, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, fewer.

I als suspect they are harder to spread. This however is no time for complacency.

From you know where:
quote:'The Slammer worm penetrated a private computer network at Ohio's Davis-Besse nuclear power plant in January and disabled a safety monitoring system for nearly five hours.'
--- End quote ---

FFS what kind of company runs Windows in that kind of critical role?  Anyone living in Ohio, I think it's time to tell your representatives that having an unsafe powerplant in your backyard is a Bad Thing.


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