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5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'

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The 5 following damaging myths:

Myth #1: The Longhorn suite will be a worthwhile investment.
Myth #2: Longhorn will not drive customer dependence on Microsoft products.
Myth #3: Longhorn will provide a better alternative to Java.
Myth #4: Longhorn will not require a multitude of customer upgrades to implement.
Myth #5: Longhorn will support open standards.

are debunked here:


Heh, 'Wronghorn'. Never thought of that.   :D

quote: Myth #3: Longhorn will provide a better alternative to Java.
--- End quote ---

Yup, .net is yet another rip-off, like Sparkle;sz=336x280;ord=5710064173? and XDocs . With .not, you'll be able to run software on any platform, as long as it's Windows.

I've recently DLed the ISO of longhorn build 4051 and installed it
*start the flames*
one comment:

don't use it
uninstalled it ASAP

Did you really think it would be fast and streamlined? I expect alot of bloat. I expect that i will have to buy a brand new computer just to run it halfway decently. Which is sad, considering my machine is still very fast. It runs xp like ass. Slow. 2000 runs better on my pc. Doesnt matter, becuase i rarely use windows, and have no doubt that i will never even install wronghorn.

Wow....a decidedly anti-M$ article on ZDNet???? Either something is seriously wrong over there, or the painkillers i'm on at the moment are way too strong.


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