All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
5 Myths About 'Wronghorn'
alotta crack heads responding to that article saying that its bs. i a few ppl need to wake up and smell the starbucks.....
black crow:
quote:Longhorn won't be available until 2006, assuming there are no more slips in the release date (it has already been delayed three times).
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Three times? Is that all? Come on Bill, surely you could delay it a few more times??? Or maybe just drop SchLonghorn altogether??? Now THERE'S an idea!
quote:Microsoft served up another dose of rhetoric that inevitably encourages locking developers and customers into Microsoft products.
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Naturally. It just wouldn't be right for ppl to use non-M$ products now, would it Bill?
quote:As far as I can tell, Longhorn is yet another Windows wolf dressed up in sheep's clothing.
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& yet another M$ cata$trophe waiting to happen... :rolleyes:
quote:Originally posted by Ecsyle:
I expect alot of bloat. I expect that i will have to buy a brand new computer just to run it halfway decently.
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I thought that Longhorn was going to require a new, palladiumified computer to run.
quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
I thought that Longhorn was going to require a new, palladiumified computer to run.
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I wouldn't know. Im not going to bother with longhorn. I have no reason to.
I thought that Longhorn was going to require a new, palladiumified computer to run.
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They aren't calling it "Palladium" anymore. Of course they say it won't require "whatever" to run, but it will require "whatever" if you want to access all of its new features. (Which really means it will require "whatever" in order to run :mad: ).
Regardless, you can expect shit-loads of bloat. That's what M$ does best. I have an old Dell Dimension (Pentium I (113MHz), 2.0GB HD, 1.5GB HD, 64MB RAM, 2.0MB RAM Vid Card) that originally came with Win 95, and which couldn't run XP even if I wanted to. However, it runs Slackware 9.0 with KDE 3.1 just fine. When Wronghorn finally does come out, I'm betting that my new Micron Millenia Xtreme won't have enough to run the damn thing, but I except that "Slackware 12.0" or "Mandrake 16.2" will run, no problem.
T'hell with Win-doesn't, Bill Gates and Macro$uck.
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[ November 27, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]
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