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My journey to Linux needs a little help

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I have good luck with some of the LinkSys PCMCIA cards. Haven't tried the D-Link PCMCIA although I do have some D-Link PC cards that work just fine. If it's on the hardware list it should work.  And I see that D-Link you reference is "dongleless" just like my LinkSys.  Those dongles are a pain in the ass, and being able to plug an RJ45 right into the card is MUCH better. Not as easily broken. Although one of my laptops fell off the couch and landed right on the network card and managed to break it so they are by no means indestructable.

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

I didn't read the whole topic so this might have been amswered already, but you can find your windows serial somewhere in your registry (I did this once with win98, forgot the exact key though .... I just found out through the internet  ;) )

You guys rock!! Thanks loads for all your help and advice.

Hi Ian,

I know that this reply is a lot late, and you may have already have figured out how to solve your problem, but the original question was how to get your Windows CD key if you lost the original paperwork.

The following works in Win95 and Win98, and may also work for Win2k.

Open regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

Expand (click on the "+") that and go to Software.

Expand Software and go to Microsoft

Expand Microsoft and scroll down to Windows

Scroll down to Current Version and then click on the words Current version, not the "+".  

Look in the right hand box of regedit and you will see a ProductID listing.  The CD key is to the right of that.

Hope this helps

Dosman : This is pretty interesting info, I'm on W2k right now and checked, there indeed is a ProductID key in the Registry but it doesn't match the product key I had to enter to install W2k, the Reg key has 4 groups of digits where the CD key has 5.
Could be that it's different from Win9x systems though.


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