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help make mandrake work
i downloaded mandrake and the format it comes in has something to do with roxio cd creator?? its an iso file and i have no clue how to change the format or make it work please help
Under Easy CD Creator, you should be able to just select "Create CD from CD image". I don't remember off hand which menu it is in (it's either in or near the File and Edit menus), but it's not a hidden option, you should be able to see it off the bat.
I use nero. What program do you use to burn cds?
i have roxio but it doesnt work im getting all types of error messages i did the update but still doesnt work
hmm. Try finding a different burner. Maybe the file is corrupt.
(I don't think you are going to be ready to use linux if you cant get the .iso s to work...)
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