All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Microsoft integrates Windows with BIOS

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I'm pretty sure this is the next step for microsoft to take control of not only your software but your hardware as well.

I see a point at where you need to isntall Windows first to go into the BIOS, and virusses that hack the BIOS via "remote control hardware temperture". The computerworld used to be cool, but Microsoft really made it suck, again.

I think we should go kill everybody at Phoenix. even the cute secretary at the door. poor girl. if only she'd known

Dude, you know what really burns me about that article. It's the line that says something like: the BIOS is simple enugh so that alternative OS's like Linux can be installed...

Alternative OS??!! Makes it sound like midget sex or something!

PC's by definition are generic. They aren't windowz boxes, they are PC's. You put what you want on them. The assumption that Windows is the only thing to run on the things is offensive.

It's like saying 'alternative ice cream, like chocolate' asumming everyone uses vanilla. Plz..

Sorry, had to rant.

I'm thinking Symantec will have a field day selling BIOS antivirus programs...


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