All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
I neva believed I'd actually say this...
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
You know what is funny? All of the hardware that is Linux ready also works great with Microsoft OSes. Linux can't boast the same hardware compatibility with Windows ready hardware that Windows can boast with Linux ready hardware. ;P
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That's because with Linux the goal is to be "open", that is "let everyone play". In the M$ world it's "our way or the highway".
quote:Face it, Windows is much better than Linux for hardware and software compatibility and availability.
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I have yet to see Windows run on a Sun Sparc, a Mac, an IBM mainframe, an HP PA-RISC, a PS2, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc..
quote:I don't know why you all hate Windows XP so much. It is the best Windows OS out there.
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Uh, maybe because even the best version of Windows doesn't hold a candle to the worst version of UNIX?
quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
As I said. The time when I tried it I couldnt find a driver and i just said fak it. Since then I only used win98 just to play few games that I have during the weekends.
Read the last part of my previous post. I said
" Maybe MS has released a 2k driver for that card."
Thanks for the info though. It kinda struck me as odd that MS or CB wouldnt release a driver for that card, since many gamers have it.
Edit. I prefer Win98 because believe it or not RainbowSix and Operation Flashpoint runs better on it. The games were writen basicaly for Winx and not 2k.
[ September 03, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]
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Win2K driver for your card.
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Uh, maybe because even the best version of Windows doesn't hold a candle to the worst version of UNIX?
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*nix aint shit for anything other than servers.
Windows is the way to go for the common stuff that your average computer user needs a computer for (playing games, productivity apps, etc.). When you go to a software store you don't see stuff for *nix on the shelves do you? Hell no you don't. Most people do not have the time to dig up and download 300+ MB apps that claim to be just as good as popular Windows based rival software. Not everybody sits on thier ass in front of a computer all day(like *nix geeks do).
Do you think the average computer user is going to have a Sun Sparc, IA-64, etc. CPU? Hell no they aren't going to have a server based chip. For that matter, Windows XP 64bit and Windows .NET 64bit edition *DO* run on IA-64, will run the AMD hammer and the Itanium 2 processors. ;P
There is also a Mac version of Windows NT(it is very hard to find but it does exist). I think the Windows NT for Mac is a port of NT 4, it may've been NT 3.51 though..I'm not quite for sure.
[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
Fill out your member profile or your opinions don't mean shit, because you didn't even take the time. :mad:
This goes for both of you, Madmarky and Microsoft Zombie.
I would toss out the whole fucking computer if it had any proprietary microsoft crap!
Microsoft will fuck you over to make more money!
I have a printer and scanner that wont work in anything past WinMe, so what's the difference!
That scanner cost $250, and the printer $200.
So who's gonna support these things? The Linux community, that's who!
Both units are supported in Linux! I was about to give away the scanner!
You know that thousands of people had to buy new printers, etc. for the priviledge of upgrading to XP. because Microsoft doesn't want to waste their time programming drivers,
FACT! for older peripherals.
So what's the difference!
[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]
quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
Edit. I prefer Win98 because believe it or not RainbowSix and Operation Flashpoint runs better on it. The games were writen basicaly for Winx and not 2k.
[ September 03, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]
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Just as I said. Win2K is not a good OS to run legacy DOS and Win9x only software on. Windows XP runs Win9x only software perfectly(in some cases better than Win9x does). Windows XP is way ahead of Win2K for home consumers, gamers and even workstations and servers.
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