All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

I neva believed I'd actually say this...

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Heh heh, I knew that would get a rise out of you Zombie. All I know is, I am sitting here on my old piece of shit Dell Laptop w/64MB of RAM running RedHat 7.3 trucking right along like just fine surfing the net doing all of my productivity stuff in OpenOffice.  Only a server OS huh?  I bet this Laptop would puke if I tried to install XP on it.

Your average user can get along quite nicely with Linux. You don't see as much on the shelves because most of it can be had for free without purchasing in a store.


quote:Originally posted by RudeCat7:

Fill out your member profile or your opinions don't mean shit, because you didn't even take the time.   :mad:  
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I don't need to fill out shit. You can go eat a dick for all I care.


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:

*nix aint shit for anything other than servers.
Windows is the way to go for the common stuff that your average computer user needs a computer for (playing games, productivity apps, etc.). When you go to a software store you don't see stuff for *nix on the shelves do you? Hell no you don't. Most people do not have the time to dig up and download 300+ MB apps that claim to be just as good as popular Windows based rival software. Not everybody sits on thier ass in front of a computer all day(like *nix geeks do).

Do you think the average computer user is going to have a Sun Sparc, IA-64, etc. CPU? Hell no they aren't going to have a server based chip. For that matter, Windows XP 64bit and Windows .NET 64bit edition *DO* run on IA-64, will run the AMD hammer and the Itanium 2 processors. ;P

[ September 03, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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Ok then, lets take an ordinary smo jo like me that goes for Computer Science Major.

 I need to buy the Windows OS.
 I also need to buy the compiler.

 How much is all that? More than I can afford.

You will say then: Hey smo jo there are free compilers out there.
 And my reply will be. Uhh no thank you. I want something that i can be sure it works as it SHOULD. An uhh btw why pay so much money for an OS that doesnt give me a compiler when i can get Linux that has all the tools i need?

  BTW have you checked the latest apps in Linux? There are mooooore than enough, compared to the default apps that come with Windows.

  And you have to realize. VoidMan is not a "housewife" computer user. When it comes to Computers his way of thinking is 10 gears ahead of us. He is talking about cuting edge stuff. Something that MS says they are inovating but from my experience so far (which cannot be compared to VoidMan's), i can safely say its not inovation, its just copycat.


quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Heh heh, I knew that would get a rise out of you Zombie. All I know is, I am sitting here on my old piece of shit Dell Laptop w/64MB of RAM running RedHat 7.3 trucking right along like just fine surfing the net doing all of my productivity stuff in OpenOffice.  Only a server OS huh?  I bet this Laptop would puke if I tried to install XP on it.

Your average user can get along quite nicely with Linux. You don't see as much on the shelves because most of it can be had for free without purchasing in a store.
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Yeah. Like I said, most people do not have the time to hunt up Linux equivalent apps on the net nor do they have the time to download the stuff. Don't forget, your average computer user is on a 56k or worse connection. Downloading 300+ MB worth of data can take a full day on a dial-up. How many people can you honestly say have the time to wait for a large download like that on a dial-up? Sure they can set the download and leave the comp, but who is to say they want to tie up thier phone line all day? Maybe people do get phone calls or need to make calls in a day. LoL ;P

But most everything needed is included in any major distro now days.  And the 56k thing isn't much of an issue. If you don't know anyone with high speed (who doesn't?) you can order the CDs off the net for a couple of bucks...


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