All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

I neva believed I'd actually say this...

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quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Zombie's just pissed because he knows Microsoft's days are numbered. That combined with the fact that he can't figure out how to install software in anything other than Windows. What will he do? McDonalds?
--- End quote ---

You fucking idiot. I know how to use *nix based systems. I am talking about people who don't know how to and don't have the time to learn how to use the *nix systems.

The fact that Windows is easy to use is the reason why MS has like 89% of the desktop marketshare, Apple has like 10% and *nix has under 1%.

To Rudecat,

VoidMain doesn't make stupid posts telling people to fill out thier profiles. Why in the hell should a person care about profiles?

With that said, I have no problem arguing with Void because he isn't a complete idiot(hence why I haven't told him to go suck a dick). You on the other hand are a waste of my time. Her, Her...fill out your profile...her...her, hardy..har.  :rolleyes:

Well I will agree with you, up to a point though.

 From the troubleshooting I have done for other people's computers I can say that, a good big portion of them are just plain morons.
 They install anything and everything they see in a CD, making the Registry all fucked up. They surf the WWW with out setting up a simple FIrewall such as ZoneAlarm (you cant get any simpler than ZoneAlarm, and it does a prety good job too).
 Those type of people bought a Computer from BestBuy for $2000 (maybe more) just for the shit of it. They can do their work with a 100MGZ PC, but no, they want to get fancy oh yeah and I forgot a 100MGHZ PC is way too slow for MS products.

 Then we got the intermediate PC users (Where I am at right now) that have learned to do more than play pinball in Windows. They fool around with the registry and all that. That group is clever enough to switch to Linux. And from people I know in Real life and over the net, those people already have Linux on their HD along with Windows. Just so they can wet their feet.

 And btw as VoidMan said, You can order any app you want for just a few bucks. And RPMs are not hard at all. I remember my 1st week with X, even though I didnt know where my head from my ass was, I understood RPMs. And trust me I am not a genious. Just an ordinary Smo Jo that was never good with PCs (former Psych Major, to give you a clue).

Basically, I am trying to stress the point that *nix is not nowhere near being ready to be a mainstream OS for the simple fact that alot of people do not know shit about computers. VoidMain seems to think *nix is the only way to go. He doesn't realize that it is not practical for most people and it is not the answer for alot of people. I don't know how VoidMain can claim that MS's days are numbered...I mean comeon, in the desktop market Linux holds under 1% share. I hardley think that *nix is anywhere near overthrowing MS with that kind of a marketshare.

Most people will continue to use Windows and will continue to upgrade to new releases of Windows. I doubt we will ever see *nix go above 5% in the desktop market. It has been trying for over 10 years now and it hasn't even jumped the 1% hurdle yet. Give me a break Void, LoL.

In the server market the numbers are totally different(the nubers favor *nix) and with good reason. *nix is excellent for servers. An admin does not use his server for everday computer usage(obviously). In the scenerio where you don't need your computer for average stuff  *nix is a great alternative.

Heh heh, this is just like old times Zombie.

But we can go over your misinformation again. If you think the reason that Windows has like 89% of the desktops (and I thought it was higher so I'll give you that one) is because of "ease of use" you are kidding yourself. Better do some more research. If you would like me to give you the real reasons I will but I'll give you the chance to think of and list them yourself.

And just like the IE Browser stats FUD there is no real way to count the number of Linux installations. Granted it would surely be much much smaller than the Microsoft installations. But you can't count "copies sold" or "numbers downloaded" because that just doesn't work when you are allowed to copy and redistribute all you want.  In fact you have to take away some of the Microsoft Numbers and give to the Linux people who bought their machine with Windows preinstalled and installed Linux over the top of it (by the way, this is also hint to one of the reasons why M$ has 89% of the desktops in the above paragraph).

Now it's hard to dispute that Linux has been steadily rising in popularity (maybe even exponentially). Yes, mostly on servers in the past but much news lately is putting Linux on target for the desktop. It's not something that is just going to go away any time soon. It's on a steady pace and I can't imagine anything slowing it down, other than proprietary laws being put in place, and most of what I have seen on that front has been pro-OSS.

Ugggghhh!! Dammit i need to study and do my Homework ON LINUX    

 Anyway for now i will agree to disagree with you.

 just a note. The only thing that still makes me boot in Win98 is games. When big companies decide to go with X then thats it.

  And Linux is getting more and more friendly.

Shit the full install is easy and fast for example. It took me 34 minutes.
Win98 took me a good 1hour and 10 min.

Full isntall for me is: From deleting creating partitions to setting up Vidcard sound card AV,FW.

 And 10 years of holding up is an achievement. If you think that most companies that dared to challenge MS got blown away.

Fear the penguis I say  :eek:        :D  

 Allright am out of here.

You can talk amongst yourselves now. Ill be QQ all of you.


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