All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
I neva believed I'd actually say this...
quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
I am really beginning to wonder what the last version of Linux you used? Even a Windows user can use the latest distros without having a brain cramp.
--- End quote ---
Y'know, he has a point. When I started using Linux/UNIX/MacOS what platform did you think I came from? Winamd (as opposed to Wintel). I popped the CD in and went all out. Then I re-partitioned and put craploads of OSes on my PC (Win3.11/Win95/Win98/WinME/Win2K/WinXPPro/Mandrake/RedHat/Slackware/Lindows/Corel - Mac & YellowDogLinux on my PB - I want UNIX bad...) It's a true developer's testing environment. I added WinXPPro after I got some complaints that some software I made crashed on WinXP.
So, Voidmain is right. Any person could come to Linux...even if in some cases it means printing out a 1 or 2 page install guide.
Still, I have respect for Zombie, he's nothing like Unixsucks or XPluser. Perhaps he's just hear to show us the good of windows and bad of Linux. Linux will have some downsides ya know.
I agree with both Void and Zombie to some extent. But I think Zombie's atitude is a bit counter productive.
Zombie, I think you must admit that Linux has much potential to become a kick ass OS to rival MS in every way including user friendlyness. It get's better and better with every update to things like KDE etc.
So ya, Grandma may have trouble using it now, but I don't think you should be so dead set on telling everyone to not even try it. I mean, that's how linux will grow, the more people use it and develop it and tinker with it, the better it will get.
We need the oposit aproach, Linux is not perfect, it's not very easy, but start using it and it will get better as it's popularity increases.
That's my opinion anyway.
well void he is right to a small degree. working in a computer shop like i do, you see a vast number of brain dead people using aol with winME, out of sheer convieniece. they are too lazy to do some reading and learn the ins and outs of anything outside of a point and click. i learned redhat in a week. its not that hard (especially the latest disros) to install and set things up. you just have to do a little reading but some people lack the time or dont feel like it. Microsoft capitalizes off the lazy people. its sad but true, Linux takes time to learn but its well worth it. Unix is my next challange...
Ok, take that same brain dead person, give them a PC with no operating system on it, and a Windows CD and a Linux CD. Don't you think there is a good chance those people would have trouble with both? Also take that same brain dead person and give them a PC that has Windows and had Linux preinstalled. Do you really think they will have that much trouble with Linux? Of course there is a good chance they already have some Windows familiarity so it can't be a very unbiased test unless you can find a person who has never touched either.
I'm not saying that if you are already familiar with Windows there will not be differences or a learning curve if switching to Linux. I can tell you that Linux is closing that gap rapidly and I see a time in the near future when it will be a non-issue.
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