All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

I neva believed I'd actually say this...

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quote:Originally posted by RudeCat7:

Fill out your member profile or your opinions don't mean shit, because you didn't even take the time.    :mad:  

This goes for both of you, Madmarky and Microsoft Zombie.

I would toss out the whole fucking computer if it had any proprietary microsoft crap!

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i am astonished at the out of touchness of this post so far! amazing!
Microsoft will fuck you over to make more money!

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ah true! now we get in gear. the rest of this guy's post is fairly okay...


quote:Originally posted by VoidMain:
Ok, take that same brain dead person, give them a PC with no operating system on it, and a Windows CD and a Linux CD.  Don't you think there is a good chance those people would have trouble with both?  Also take that same brain dead person and give them a PC that has Windows and had Linux preinstalled.  Do you really think they will have that much trouble with Linux?  Of course there is a good chance they already have some Windows familiarity so it can't be a very unbiased test unless you can find a person who has never touched either.

I'm not saying that if you are already familiar with Windows there will not be differences or a learning curve if switching to Linux.  I can tell you that Linux is closing that gap rapidly and I see a time in the near future when it will be a non-issue.
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give any braindead person, and by this i mean most people, and put either a computer with windows and linux preinstalled, or a blank machine and the install disks for both systems in front of them, and you can bet that whether they know nothing or not, they will just boot into windows or use the windows CD without even considering their alternatives.

and this is the problem with so many areas of modern living. blind.

I can't believe all the effort you put into this argument. All you seem to have said after all this is:

Linux is not for dipshits.
Dipshits should use Windows.
There will be a lot more Windows users because there are a lot more pc illiterate dipshits.

Wow! what a conclusion! This is what you stand for?
You have decided to be the poster boy for a product that is put out by a company that decides what you are allowed to do with it, practically extorts your personal information so it can sell it, market more crap to you, or just keep track of you with spyware. This company hooks you like a pusher- once you've learned one application, and invested all your efforts, time and money (employees time) you have to keep on using the same products to stay "compatible". Next, Microsoft comes up with this new technology crap, not because it's better, or you need it, but because it's good for marketing! You know the big corporations only go along with it because they too are pc illiterate dipshits in suits.  These are the guys that buy the more expensive software because that means "it must be better". So Microsoft advertises that this new OS, or that application will make your company millions! That's bullshit! Like that Dell commercial that shows this IT manager getting kudos because he saved the company money- by buying new servers!

That's the kinda thinking that's screwing you up! What the hell are you fighting for? Something you buy in nice little  shrink wrapped box with a cool hologram that tells you that you are an authentic sucker? What? more than one computer? Buy another!

Why come here and post shit just to piss off people like Voidman and the rest of the moderaters that spend their time trying to help people learn something?

If you're so in love with Windows, why don't you   spend your time helping out the Microsoft slaves.

And as far as the member profile goes...

quote: I don't fill out shit!
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This just shows your absolute immaturity and lack of personal responsibility. Oh sure, you like to spew your bullshit, and tell people what you think, and piss them off and say "I'm right!" but those are just empty spineless thoughts.

So I will just have to make some assumptions on my own:

11 years old
living at home
sorry ass 486sx2 Packard Bell that actually belongs to mom and dad
14.4 dial-up connection
on AOL and tons of XP lovers on your buddy list
Experienced Unix user? 11 years olds are not experienced Unix users!  :D


quote:Originally posted by RudeCat7:
So I will just have to make some assumptions on my own:

11 years old
living at home
sorry ass 486sx2 Packard Bell that actually belongs to mom and dad
14.4 dial-up connection
on AOL and tons of XP lovers on your buddy list
Experienced Unix user? 11 years olds are not experienced Unix users!       :D      
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Try 11x2(well not quite yet, I'll be 22 the 2nd of next month)

Hell yeah I live at home. I own the bitch so why shouldn't I live in it? I bet you don't own a home yet...I bet you live in your parents basement or maybe you live in some kind of trailor park or project...LOL!

Wrong again buddy, try an Athlon XP 1600+, a Pentium 4(Williamette) 1.7ghz o/ced to almost 2.1ghz and a 2.53ghz Pentium 4(Northwood)...all which I built(I do not buy crappy OEM compters).
BTW, do you really think that a person could even install Windows XP on a 486? ROFLMFAO, true fact...alot of people use Linux because thier boxes are too outdated to run Windows decently(which is why they think Windows XP is slow).

Wrong again, at the moment I am on a 56k dial-up connection. Only because my house is a little too far out of the range of the nearest tower to get DSL/Cable, I had Cable in the apartment I was living in before I bought my house.

AOL? I think not. I use a real ISP(one that I can use with any OS and any browser). Joink is far from AOL(or any other propriarity ISPs).

I am not 11 years old for one, and I never claimed to be an *experienced* Unix user. I will admit that I'm far from being an experienced Unix user(a Unix geek). I really only have basic knowledge of Unix. I know the basics of how to run a Unix system because I have actually spent some time using Unix(because my job requires that all employees learn how to use all OSes in case we get a box in the shop that has a non-Windows OS). Since I have used Unix I know for a fact that it is not an OS for an average Joe-Blow may not like to admit it...but Unix is not designed for desktops. As I've already said, it does an excellent job at doing what it is intended for(that is to be a server OS that can handle massive workloads and massive traffic).

My assumptions are *you* are the 11 year old. I also assume that you have no friends(hence why you are always in your basement playing with your computer). I also bet that you don't have a woman(and I'm guessing that you masterbaute to digital porn). God knows, you probably don't even have a fucking job.

(EDIT)With a name like RudeCat I know for a fact that you are still a minor. Your name just shows that you are filled with immaturity. You have wasted enough of my valuable time for please quit communicating with me already.    ;)

[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Heh heh, this is funny. RudeCat, he ain't going to leave because he secretly wants to learn Linux as he knows the dominant gene always surfaces eventually.  And he doesn't piss me off. Sure we've had our knock down drag outs but we're both still here. I have to say I am happier with Zombie here than XP Luser or that unixsux idiot.

I think he usually sparks good debate and he usually ends up putting all the points in the Linux column by accident.  I'm actually beginning to enjoy my debates with him (although it does detract me from helping people as I won't have as much time to help once the old bones heal up).


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