All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

I neva believed I'd actually say this...

<< < (10/13) > >>

just to make a couple of points:

every computer i have installed mandrake 8.2 and redhat 7.3 on have had all of thier hardware supported, and in the case of logitech usb joysticks there was no software to (download and) install.  both distributions recognized the pci-to-pci bridge on my board without asking for any help.

--this cannot be said for windows.

the rpm package auto-installers in some distributions are making installation easier and easier.  windows takes the cake on ease of install.

--in most cases.  good luck, however, showing grandma how to track down some corrupted registry key or system file.  and add/remove programs was a terrible idea... linux defeats this (sort of)

neither OS is perfect, but you cant beat the price and reliability of linux, and you can do without the dirt associated with a M$ OS.



[ September 05, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

Just remember Zombie you are not your operating system or how much ram you have on your motherboard....  :D

<<Heh heh, I knew that would get a rise out of you Zombie. All I know is, I am sitting here on my old piece of shit Dell Laptop w/64MB of RAM running RedHat 7.3 trucking right along like just fine surfing the net doing all of my productivity stuff in OpenOffice. Only a server OS huh? I bet this Laptop would puke if I tried to install XP on it.

Your average user can get along quite nicely with Linux. You don't see as much on the shelves because most of it can be had for free without purchasing in a store.>>

Right on! My firewall is a 233 GHZ with 256 Ram and a 20 Gig HD and it runs smoothe!

My firewall is a P100 with 128MB (which is overkill) and it has been working flawlessly for years.

Master of Reality:
getting fancy there arent we, void main?
Mine is a 166MHZ with 32 MB of RAM and a 1GB HD running redhat 7.3


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