All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
I neva believed I'd actually say this...
Doctor V:
Next time you buy a PC make sure it has none of that proprietary hardware. Get a hardware list from the retailer and check every piece on one of the several webpages telling what will work with Linux and what won't. And do not not not not not buy one with windoze pre-installed. That will just give BillyG more money with which to make those fascist deals with hardware manufacturers. What kind of computer do you have? Maybe its time for a new one already. Use Win2K, not XP. XP is evil beyond evil. Going from any other OS to XP completes your journey to Micro$lavery.
quote:Originally posted by K7_and_Linux...:
If your gonna use XP just get the cheaper slightly more stable version of it, ME
--- End quote ---
What in the fuck are you talking about man? Windows ME(Windows 9x period) is a pile of crap. Win9x is nowhere near NT in stability/reliability. Do you know why Win9x is so unstable? Because it is a 32bit patch for a 16bit shell(Win3.x) sitting on top of an 8bit foundation(DOS). That is a big reason why Win9x is good at having I/O conflict errors(because it partially relies on DOS to set the I/O functions, IRQs, DMAs, etc.). The dependency of DOS is also a big reason why Win9x is good at causing BSODs(DOS is using some of your memory addresses at all times and when Windows tries to use a memory address that is already being used by DOS it will cause a crash).
Windows NT based OSes on the other hand are fully 32-bit(not a 32bit patch for a 16bit shell on an 8bit system) and has no dependencies of any other OS(like DOS). Windows NT has full access to memory addresses, it has full access to I/O, DMA, IRQ address configurations, etc.
The loss of the old sloppy 8-bit OS(DOS) greatly increases the stability of Windows. Anybody who claims that Win9x is more stable than a NT based OS is a fool.
quote:Originally posted by Doctor V:
[QB]Next time you buy a PC make sure it has none of that proprietary hardware. Get a hardware list from the retailer and check every piece on one of the several webpages telling what will work with Linux and what won't. And do not not not not not buy one with windoze pre-installed. That will just give BillyG more money with which to make those fascist deals with hardware manufacturers. What kind of computer do you have? Maybe its time for a new one already. Use Win2K, not XP. XP is evil beyond evil. Going from any other OS to XP completes your journey to Micro$lavery.
--- End quote ---
You know what is funny? All of the hardware that is Linux ready also works great with Microsoft OSes. Linux can't boast the same hardware compatibility with Windows ready hardware that Windows can boast with Linux ready hardware. ;P
Face it, Windows is much better than Linux for hardware and software compatibility and availability.
I don't know why you all hate Windows XP so much. It is the best Windows OS out there. It has the speed and stability of Windows 2000, an improved GUI and interface and best of all Windows XP can run almost any piece of legacy DOS software(and Win9x only software) whereas Windows 2000 can't. Windows 2000 is a great OS for an old workstation, but Windows XP is better for the average consumer who wants complete software compatibility. BTW, everything is better in XP anyways(Like WMP 9 for XP has soo many more features like the taskbar player, out of box VCD and DVD playback codecs, etc. while WMP 9 for Win2K/Win9x isn't much different than WMP 7.1). Windows XP and Windows .NET are better for a workstation than Win2K is also. Have you guys ever heard of updated services and admin controls? The only time I would reccomend Win2K over Windows XP is if you have some old dinosaur system that can't run XP at a decent speed(like a Pentium classic system or a PII system with under 64MB of Ram).
[ September 03, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
Can you tell me then why my USB NIC card that said on the box "Compatible only with 9x-ME-2k" works with Mandrake and RH?
Or why My cannon scanner did not work simply because Cannon and MS did not want to release the specs so Linux drivers would not be created?
Yet the Linux community wrote the drivers and what do you know. My Cannon FB630U works just fine and dandy.
Or hmmmmm why my SB 512 Sound Card (a very popular midrange sound card you must agree) does not work with 2k? Yet, what do you know, all Linux flavors i tried, work with it.
Maybe MS has released a 2k driver for that card. But 6 months ago that i tried it i didnt found any.
You can't get a SB 512 card to work in Win2K? Your kidding me right? Any SB card ISA/PCI card will work in Win2K. Did you ever go to and download Win2K drivers for your card?
As I said. The time when I tried it I couldnt find a driver and i just said fak it. Since then I only used win98 just to play few games that I have during the weekends.
Read the last part of my previous post. I said
" Maybe MS has released a 2k driver for that card."
Thanks for the info though. It kinda struck me as odd that MS or CB wouldnt release a driver for that card, since many gamers have it.
Edit. I prefer Win98 because believe it or not RainbowSix and Operation Flashpoint runs better on it. The games were writen basicaly for Winx and not 2k.
[ September 03, 2002: Message edited by: bazoukas ]
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