All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
I neva believed I'd actually say this...
yeah .... my mom is blind and even she managed to install SuSE linux (and all key elements for a blind computer user (text to speech and braille readers) are supported out of the box, while windows requires here to use a 2000$ program for text to speech, with the same nazi licensing scheme as windows xp, you have to practically beg with the supplier for a new key if you reinstalled windows, which in my mom's case (win98) happens quite regularly)
windows xp + gaming = sucks!
unless I manually reconfigure my PCI slots so windows understands that it's not a very bright plan to assign 6 devices (including a geforce 3) to one IRQ, I take a 30+ fps hit with return to castle wolfenstein cause of this (so I only play the linux version)
furthermore, older games (to name a few: Arcanum, Railroad Tycoon 2, championship manager 2001/2002) will hugely fuck up in one way or another (arcanum slows down as if I were playing on a pentium 200 after extensive playtime, and I have to reboot to fix this, railroad tycoon 2 will occansionaly show me a nice black screen after I quit, again, only way out is to reboot (go figure, it runs excellent with WINE) championship manager will allways show me a black screen when I task switch to another program)
so with all the so called enhanced stability of winXP I still end up rebooting at least twice a day if I only use it to play games (let alone actually doing serious work with it), the same games games running with WINE (if they worked) *never ever* caused me to reboot my computer... go figure....
oops ... missed page 2... this post was in reply to the following bit:
I am really beginning to wonder what the last version of Linux you used? Even a Windows user can use the latest distros without having a brain cramp.
--- End quote ---
[ September 11, 2002: Message edited by: BadKarma ]
Why do people still believe that Linux is nowhere near mainstream? On the contrary, I think that Linux is now more mainstream than ever! As I said in an older thread, it's all about choice! If you want to learn something more about computers, get Linux or other *NIX clones. You can't do anything with Windows, that is tweak your system and bring it to your needs! Hell, in Linux you can even recompile the entire kernel! Talk about freedom :eek: !
Abou the hardware issue. Don't buy proprietary hardware that is hardware that works only with Windoze (like GDI printers, winmodems etc). Keep in mind that this kind of hardware is really inferior compared to real hardware. You get what you pay for after all ;)
Oh, and Zombie I'm really what you'd call "network illiterate" but I use Linux for daily purposes just as efficiently, and even more, than Windoze ;)
hey zombie, just to prove how fucking magnificent windows xp is, enter the following line in your IE address bar and hit enter:
BadKarma is in no way responsible for what happens to the contents of your computer,
[ September 11, 2002: Message edited by: BadKarma ]
Heh heh, I hope all you non SP1 users click on that URL. Here's the article explaining it:
Gotta love that M$ system security!
Heh, I tried BadKarmas' trick and it didn't work. Now I know why....because I have XP SP1 installed on my machine(unfortunatley I had to reboot to apply SP1 so there goes my uptime :( ) . ;P
It looks like Windows is magnificent. I mean shit, MS does fix vunerabilities and MS is good at offering Service Packs(because they are always working to improve thier software) for thier NT based OSes. ;P
We don't have to rely on fixes by members of the Windows community like you all have to do with Linux. Who is to say that there aren't some members of the linux community who release malicious fixes to Linux problems? At least us Windows users know that we aren't recieving malicious shit.
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