Author Topic: I neva believed I'd actually say this...  (Read 3069 times)


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I neva believed I'd actually say this...
« Reply #60 on: 18 September 2002, 02:41 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Yeah. Like I said, most people do not have the time to hunt up Linux equivalent apps on the net nor do they have the time to download the stuff. Don't forget, your average computer user is on a 56k or worse connection. Downloading 300+ MB worth of data can take a full day on a dial-up. How many people can you honestly say have the time to wait for a large download like that on a dial-up? Sure they can set the download and leave the comp, but who is to say they want to tie up thier phone line all day? Maybe people do get phone calls or need to make calls in a day. LoL ;P

as for linux:
Don't be naive!  There are Linux distributions small enough to fit on a floppy! At the very least, let us mention that all of the finest Linux application are even available as source code which is greatly smaller than the compiled binaries.

as for windows:
I believe the big "XP Launch" was not even a year ago and already they want you to download a 100+ meg service pack.  I believe Windows 2000 is up to SP3, with the last service pack weighing in at 100+ megs.

Hmmm, but as you said above the average Windows user doesn't want to spend the time.  Well looks like they are fucked eh?  

Most linux patches come in a nice little nit tar or gzip/bzip file