Author Topic: The lesser of many evils - old Windows better than XP  (Read 1299 times)


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The lesser of many evils - old Windows better than XP
« Reply #15 on: 13 April 2003, 07:12 »
Extra Point #1: if you have a winmodem (like me) just get DSL (liek me), it rox and is easier to set up in Linux than it is in windows.  

that's EXACTLY what i'm going to do over the summer, and i can't wait :-D

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
on it, you can only unfuck it up by installing Linux."
-- void main (old school MES member)

Desktop: Athlon 2600/ 768mb DDR266
--Running: Ubuntu 5.10, FC4, Win2k
 (Also, Unbuntu 6-06:5, 5.04; Fedora Core 5, WinXP, but none of these are used much)
12" Powerbook: 1.5 Ghz G4 PowerPC / 1.25 GB DDR333
--Running: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger


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The lesser of many evils - old Windows better than XP
« Reply #16 on: 18 April 2003, 01:13 »
Ok I had this old argument before, but my memory sucks so...  

This is what I think. XP is more stable on average compared to W9X. Sometimes XP has a violent reaction to some people's systems, when W9X may or may not have the same violent reaction.

IF you pirate XP you can totally get around the bad license stuff(but you could very well be cut off from service packs, although it might be possible to download them from a non-MS source). As for the moral implications of this, I can sort of respect where some of the people here are coming from, but a person is alot more justified in pirating something like XP than he would be with W98 or W2K. XP screws the HONEST customer over, W98/W2K do not(at least license wise).

And regardless of whether it helps MS or not, consider this. If it helps MS, it has only helped them in the past. MS has been cracking down on pirates right? If pirating helped them any longer, they would allow it to continue.

Nonetheless, only pirate wind0ze out of personal thriftyness, it won't win the war(even if it does do slight damage to MS like I hinted at above), people must make the descision to embrace Linux if they truly want to make a difference.

Any arguments against XP should not just focus on the licensing, they should focus on issues that affect EVERYONE who uses XP. DRM and MS spying on you are good reasons indeed. But I don't understand DRM, I know about Palladium and TCPA, but how the hell does DRM(outside of TCPA and Palladium) work?

Besides MS privacy, and DRM, any other anti-XP reasons?
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The lesser of many evils - old Windows better than XP
« Reply #17 on: 28 April 2003, 15:17 »
Visit - you can compile winmodem support into any 2.0 or higher kernel

Better yet, if your obsessed with MS Office, I forget the name of the program, but there is one that allows you to run MS Office, Windows MEdia Player, Internet Explorer, etc NATIVELY under linux with a 2.0+ kernel
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The lesser of many evils - old Windows better than XP
« Reply #18 on: 29 April 2003, 08:10 »
Are you all forgeting about windows nt 4.0


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The lesser of many evils - old Windows better than XP
« Reply #19 on: 30 April 2003, 03:53 »
Originally posted by The Angel Of Death:
Visit - you can compile winmodem support into any 2.0 or higher kernel

Better yet, if your obsessed with MS Office, I forget the name of the program, but there is one that allows you to run MS Office, Windows MEdia Player, Internet Explorer, etc NATIVELY under linux with a 2.0+ kernel

Codeweavers Crossover Office.

The latest version can run Adobe Photoshop now, too.

I have a copy myself, and it's probably the best solution out there for running Windows programs(except for games or anything else that requires a heavy use of Direct X).

Of course, this costs money, so there's also just the stand-alone wine: