All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Longhorn 2-3 years away!
OK, thanks for explaining it to me Calum!
Windows NT is really based on VMS, another thing that Microsoft bought.
Oh, and:
Look it up on Google ;)
quote: Windows NT is really based on VMS, another thing that Microsoft bought.
--- End quote ---
Microsoft did not buy VMS, nor is Windows NT based on it. They hired engineers from Digital to make an OS similar to that of VMS. NT is essentially a hodge podge of OS/2 code, Mac OS code (for the interface), BSD code. DOS and Windows 3.1 legacy code and perhaps some bits of VMS code.
Oh, and maybe a bit of their own crap as well.
[ May 26, 2004: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]
The WinNT line isn't as bad as we make out. We are very prejudiced by DOS/9x.
Although NT=<4 was a major pain in the arse to maintain.
quote:Originally posted by Tux:
The WinNT line isn't as bad as we make out. We are very prejudiced by DOS/9x.
Although NT=<4 was a major pain in the arse to maintain.
--- End quote ---
Not really. I find WindowsXP and windows2003 VERY poor!
meaning to say that, although win2k had kept simplicaty in the design and has better uptimes comepared to other windows3. All versions still have tons of spy/malware, bloatware and other bullshit that really arn't supposed to be there at all.
If you kept any version of windows off line. You will quickly find out that they all can be stable and 'secure.' Put them all online and they have the exact same problems. :D
[ May 26, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]
Social Burn:
If I'm correct I believe that is Microsoft Bob.
You guys forgot about that hunk of shit. Microsoft's first attempt at a GUI.
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