All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Longhorn 2-3 years away!

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Bob came out in 94/95...LONG after Windows 1-3.  


quote:Social Burn: If I'm correct I believe that is Microsoft Bob.

You guys forgot about that hunk of shit. Microsoft's first attempt at a GUI.  
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I didn't forget Microsoft Bob. In fact, I ran Microsoft Bob on Windows XP once:

Screenshot 1 :: Screenshot 2

As you can see, I can start Duke Nukem 3D, GTA: Vice City and Winamp from BOB.


quote: WMD:
Win95 = MS's first operating system (except DOS)
Win98 = bloated, buggier version of Win95 with higher RAM support
WinME = bloated, buggier version of Win98 with just more bundled software
WinNT 3.1 = new kernel with Win3.1 shell
WinNT 3.5 = newer version with almost nothing
WinNT 4 = Win95 with better kernel
Win2k = Win98 with better kernel and up-to-date IE and WMP (5.0 and 6.4 at the time)
WinXP - bloated, buggier version of Win2k with more bundled software
--- End quote ---

quote: Refalm:
Oh, I guess Windows 1, Windows 2 and Windows 3 never existed
--- End quote ---

Heh, I so remember running that a long time ago... Here's a site I found helpful on the history of Windows... just so no one gets their facts wrong again...


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