All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
The lesser of many evils - old Windows better than XP
I can think of ANY windows-only app that I have to run. I cant think of any that I would even WANT to run. Soon I'll be in Mac heaven when I finally get enough cash (ha ha!)
quote:Originally posted by Siplus: linux advocate:
...win2k rarely fails me. don't get my wrong, as soon as i figure out how to use my modem in linux i'm ditching win2k, but win2k is the best os ms has ever made...
--- End quote ---
Which is all well and good as long as you don't use it for a website.
I curreently have 6 computers up and running. One of them does run Windows (Win98). Win98 is good for some of the the games that I play and it gives me something to do when I'm bored. I can run ad-aware to get rid of some of the spyware (non-M$), I can run scandisk and defrag and sfc and regclean and ezclean and all the other third-party and M$ programs you need to keep Windows working. Hell, Linux is boring. It just works. Oh, download errata and install updates, but it never seems to break. It just does what I want and when I want it to.
Now that my daughters and wife are taking to Linux and not using the Win98 box, waat will I do with my evenings? Nooo registries to hoe out, no spyware to remove, no redundant files to will be boring. My computers will just do what I tell them to and they won't bog down or be infected with viruses, they will just plain work and do what they're supposed to do.
Oh, well I guess I'll just have to get used to the idea that my computers will just wwork and that no "guru" is required to keep them running.
Obviously none of the new operating systems microsoft comes out with is going to be remotely secure and nothing you would want the reputation of an entire company to rely on.
Thats why companies like gateway still use windows NT 4 to run their websites and why MSN and hotmail are still running on Win2K
Well ... the last time i checked thats what they were running.
So if nothing new from microsoft has tons of bugs then imagine something still in its beta version .....
Doctor V:
All WinMe is is a bloated up version of win98, it offers consumers almost nothing over win98. Win2000 is definitely the best M$ OS. WinXP is jut a version of win2000 that has a fischerPrice GUI, and more user-controlling and monitoring mechanisms than there are fish in the sea. M$ wants that kind of control over its customers, so it cut support from win2000, and made XP less expensive than it. everyone says that win98 is the best for gamers, but win2k runs all but a few win98 games. Anyhow, Linux is better than windows. It has enough games, *good ones*, to keep anyone occupied. Its free stable, and gives you full control. So if you got to play your PC games or have a winmodem, use win2K, other than that, use somthing better.
Extra Point #1: if you have a winmodem (like me) just get DSL (liek me), it rox and is easier to set up in Linux than it is in windows.
Extra Point #2: Or just get a mac.
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