All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
The lesser of many evils - old Windows better than XP
quote: Win 2000: Still no clue.
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ok, even though i don't like windows/M$, when i'm on my laptop i have to use windows (my winmodem doesn't work under linux, go figure), and windows 2000 is a respectable os imo. it still has many problems, i don't like it for many reasons, but when you get down to it, win2k rarely fails me. don't get my wrong, as soon as i figure out how to use my modem in linux i'm ditching win2k, but win2k is the best os ms has ever made. it's a shame (actually a good thing, to help the spread of linux) that they fucked up what could have become a good line of windows (hmm...good and windows doesn't fit into a sentence well) with the dissapointing release of winxp
When M$ made Win98SE, they shot themselfs in the foot. When they made Win2000, they shot the other foot. But not too many people notice.
Win98 - best for gamers
Win2K - best overall (for windows)
I dont see myself using Linux any time soon, but i wouldn't mide getting a cheap second computer to try it out on. (once I get the software)
githyank, before i start, i want you to know that i agree entirely with what you say about freedom and censorship. no arguments from me there but for gods' sake! look at this:
quote:Originally posted by Githyanki:
So I gotta use windows some time for various reasons, games mostly, plus I gotta a lot of old files in .doc and even DOS formats.
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you fucking moron!!!! no offence intended. what the fuck? do you SERIOUSLY think you need windows for that shit? i run WINDOWS PROGRAMS in linux! i run dos programs effortlessly and can open doc files in several wordprocessors with ease (not to mention wordperfect, staroffice, lotus and many other file formats too) you need windows to open doc files? how fucking weak! get a life.
that is all.
[ March 13, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: Member # 81 ]
I've been trying out KWord on KDE. I installed KDE version 3.1 on my RH8 system using apt sources from the KDE-on-redhat project (
It opens most .doc files very easily. It's also extremely fast, I like it much better than OpenOffice!
I also just got finished playing a game of Warcraft 3 - on Linux. All in all, I find wine only useful for games. There are *very* few Windoze apps I have any desire to run.
me neither. in fact i only *actually* use wine to run first class client (a 'conferencing' program required by my university) but it *can* be used for a lot of other stuff.
and openoffice is great if it would install the way i want it to! i am actually thinking of trying out SOT office, a commercial (but free and open source) office suite seemingly based on the star office sources, and available as a handy rpm.
my KDE3.0 comes with a version of kword that doesn't open word files *at all* in fact i had always thought of kword as kind of crippled. it kind of sucks at showing the 'real' layout of rtf files too, which takes the point out of being a wysiwyg editor in my opinion.
i could ramble on but i think i said all i am capable of saying here. (btw, don't expect any of the links on that page to be any use, that site is still under *heavy* construction)
edit: linux user, can you actually write a better review of KWord than i have done on that page? in light of your comments, my review seems out of date. ideally, you could come along to and post your comments, on the board there but other than that, just send a PM to zooloo on this board please, if you do update my kword review, since he is the owner of that site. thankyou! :D
[ March 14, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: Member # 81 ]
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