All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Microsoft: Linux on desktops a threat
quote:Originally posted by emh:
This is exactly how drives are mounted in Mandrake Linux now.
--- End quote ---
It is in RedHat too, but it's one of the very first things I turn off because I can't stand it. I'm old school I guess.
does it work with usb, usb 2.0, and firewire drives, or have they gotten around to that kind of automagical mounting
I don't know if they use X11, but Lycoris sure looks nice, and user-friendly. According to their web site, Wal-mart is now selling desktop PCs with Lycoris installed, starting at $200.00.
I don't know if it'll be a big hit with consumers, but we can hope...
of course it uses X11, every other alternitave is in the beta stages, and a better idea of mine,would be to write a gtk-qt. basiclly a mapiing of gtk funciton to qt ones. so that the ui has a more consistent feel/*and qt's menus are better then gtk's will ever be, and interface similarty*/ im jusst wondering, what kind of hurtles would be faced by such a project, and what potential show-stoppers could present themselves
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