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quote:Originally posted by Viper:
I remember trying to flash a BIOS to an old motherboard I had via a floppy. The ROM file happened to be on a corrupted sector of the disk and it fucked the whole flash up.

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I always test the floppy disk before I put a BIOS flash file on it.

so i am going to take 700mb cd just to burn a fuckin bios update ? how fucking interesting , i love my floppy because i could tranfer my source code, small pic files fast and easy without the hassle burning 700mb cd..

CD-RW anyone?


quote:Originally posted by mc0282:
so i am going to take 700mb cd just to burn a fuckin bios update ? how fucking interesting , i love my floppy because i could tranfer my source code, small pic files fast and easy without the hassle burning 700mb cd..
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Sure, why not? It isn't like you have to close the CD. You can leave it open and always add more to the compilation later with Nero Burning Rom, the built in Windows XP CD-Burning, Alcohol 120%, etc. It takes a little under a minute to copy 1.40MB worht of data to a 1.44MB disk. It takes about a little over a minute and a half to burn 700MB worth of data to a CD with a 48x burner(it takes a couple of seconds to burn 1.44MB of data to a CD). Burning to a CD is alot faster, CD Media doesn't get bad sectors and almost any computer you encounter this day and age has a CD-Rom. It takes less time to open or copy those pictures(or any file for that matter) from a CD than it takes on a floppy. There is no hassle to using a CD.

quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:

I always test the floppy disk before I put a BIOS flash file on it.
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I do now if I use a floppy(usually never). I learned that you should a long time ago. Of course I learned the hard way.

My opinion won't change. I hate floppies. As I already said....Apple was smart for killing them off in thier Mac line-up a long time ago.

[ September 25, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]

I personally like floppies. They are stupidly small but on the plus side every computer has a floppy drive (which can write data) but very few office and college/school computers have CD burners. I personally need a floppy drive and use mine a fair bit still.


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