All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

need a good laugh?


this is a old link, im sure alot have seen it before. its just to good not to share
its billy boy getting it by a pie in the face.
enjoy  :D

I've seen this page before, but the memory was somewhere far back in my head, until you reminded me of it ...

It rocks   :D

[edit] Who wrote that page? And wouldn't it be nice, just like any other 'website-describing' thread of ours, to send that to the author of the page?
So like with the 'why do ppl make gates look good' thread, we could let those people know they are full of beans.

[ December 02, 2002: Message edited by: -=f00bar=- ]

HHAHAH.  Good times to end out my "productive work day.."


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