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My bizarre system problems

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You mean space on "my old machine" or a very old machine? My system gets 48GB of space.

I got my first computer after already having served 3 years in the USAF. It was a brand spanking new, hot off the presses, Commodore 64. Floppy drives weren't out yet, but that's ok, I was all set with my 1530 datassette tape drive (used regular audio cassette tapes). Of course soon after I had to get the super fast 1541 floppy drive:
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So you likely have respect for the C64 then? Go to Newcomer

The ONLY C64 game that I will emulate.  :D

I'd like to hear what people have to say about this game...

C64 sucks compared to todays computers (hell it sucks compared to computers 10 years ago). I have no feelings of nostalgia for it. In fact I found two of them in my closet a couple of years ago and gave them away. I used it mainly to program on. But there were a couple of games that I liked (Zork and Infidel are the only two that come to mind). I never really was into games.

Master of Reality:
I learned how to program a bit in Basic on a C64, i could make the screen blink and make it play sounds.

Didnt anyone else play oil wells on their C64??

no, but I played Zork as well.  I also remember mom and step-dad spending four hours on the thing reading MLX out loud and typing it in line for bloody line.  and after all that, the program didn't work.  must have been a typo, but we never had the patience to go thru and debug about 1200 lines of
--- Code: ---
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.  MLX sucked ass.  anyone else program someting in MLX from those commodore mags?


[ October 24, 2002: Message edited by: beltorak0 ]

Newcomer surpasses many modern games in innovation.  :D

It took about 10 years to make(including the time for the Enhanced version, full name is Enhanced NewComer or ENC). I know a guy on ICQ who was the main plot guy on it, he told me that it only took so long because they had to shoehorn so much into the C64's limited tech capbilities. Part of the ideals was proving it COULD be done.


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