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My bizarre system problems

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quote:Originally posted by Calum:
it's not lilo's fault. well it is less likely than it would be windows' fault. lilo is open source, so people have been bugfixing it for years, windows is closed source so... nobody (including probably microsoft) knows what the hell it's doing in amongst its megabytes of (probably redundant) code.

however at least zombie26783246 is trying to help, which is more than i'm doing!   :D  
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Yes it is Lilo's fault. I bet if it wasn't for the 3rd party boot-loader messing with his XP boot record it would've never got deleted to make it say Missing OS. ;P

bullshit, listen to yourself. i say if it wasn't for XP fucking up his lilo boot record WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION (at least lilo allows you to decide what changes to make instead of assuming you are too stupid to know like windows does).

Anyway, i got the impression he was using his BIOS to dual boot, not a bootloader. isn't this the case?

Yes, using bios to dual boot. Mandrake is the only Linux distro to ever get the whole bootmenu thing working right.

Ok I think it's IMPOSSIBLE that Linux did it. How could I have had Redhat 8 on and dual booted into XP(through the bios switch) several times? If Redhat overwrites the boot record, I would of had this error when I attempted to boot back into Windows.

As for MBR, isn't Redhat's boot stored in the MBR and Windows XP has it's own boot area stored somewhere else? Im certain that all those other distros I've tried had their bootloader in the MBR, XP never coughed then.

quote:As for the fan, OMFG!!! Your mom had to watch you change the fan?! How old are you?! Jeez I built my first computer when I was 13...every computer I built lasted longer than any other computer from any manufacturers.
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Well actually it was both supervision and assistance. Besides im not exactly 100% competent, I've always been too Lazy to pursue that which should be easy(computer tweaking internal and external). I probably became petrified of computer tweaking after two serious fuckups. Both of them involved software stuff, not hardware. So you develop repressive computer phobia and just choose to play it safe in what you tweak. Im also Lazy.  ;)

My system was custom built though, just by a guy with a homerun buisness, we are way too poor to afford a $3000 comp. We are too poor to afford frequent upgrades. Ok we're not all that poor, but paying $500 worth of upgrades every 2 years would be too much out of our price range(whether something is too expensive also has to do with philosphy, just so happens I have a cheapsake father). Fuck I wish I had more then 433mhz!  

When I was 12 I had a 486/50 I think, I never was around computers as a really little kid, I think we got our first one when I was in grade 6. That would make me.... 11! Hmmm, I've been a diaper kid(computer wise) for quite sometime. You think im bad? I've seen some pretty incompetent mofo's in my time(mass market windoids).  :D

I got my first computer after already having served   3 years in the USAF. It was a brand spanking new, hot off the presses, Commodore 64. Floppy drives weren't out yet, but that's ok, I was all set with my 1530 datassette tape drive (used regular audio cassette tapes). Of course soon after I had to get the super fast 1541 floppy drive:

my first computer experience was when my best mate lent me his BBC Electron computer!!! (we couldn't afford such a thing!) in fact, i liked it so much (i liked the games so much, it took 25 minutes to load my favourite one off a cassette tape though!) that i convinced my parents to spend


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