All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Another Windows Security Hole



A guest user can get LocalSystem level privilages and execute code. Also, any program can get any other program to start executing code at any address.

Same on The Register
"Win32 API utterly and irredeemably broken"

"Windows might possibly be the most insecure piece of viral code ever to infect a computer, according to Chris Paget who's found a fascinating hole in the Win32 Messaging System which he believes is irreprarable, and which he posted to the BugTraq security mailing list."

Irreparable huh? Wow, will we finally get rid of these pieces of shit now?
Perhaps developpers will start to develop a little more for Linux or is this just utopia?

As I have said before... m$ and winblows should be announced illeagal due to harmful and irritating effect onto your mental health and economy!!    :D  

When will people wake up??    :confused:  


[ August 08, 2002: Message edited by: SingleMalt ]


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