All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Windows XP sucks

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Hardware support in XP sucks.
I've got a gamepad here which works fine in Linux and doesn't have XP drivers.
My Voodoo cards also do not work correctly with XP. With Linux they work fine.

So, what holds'ya to throw xpee where it belongs?
... in a trash bin...

Yeah micro soft dont give the right for some pieces of hardware to be compatable with there systems    

there have also been problems that i have fixed by just deleting the drives for programs..

The word XP should be struck from the dictionaries  never in twenty five years of running a computer have I had so much trouble, just trying to install  the dam program is a bitch, but nothing to the hell it is trying to install drivers programs etc!  if you can get them to work, all I have had is grief so I have installed a second hard drive and loaded Linux, time will tell

Hell, i just think XP is great (xept the driver thingie). You guys just have a prob with Microsoft (And hey, i do to), but i think XP is just great. My brother installed linux and he din't even now how to acces his CDROM drive until he searcherd for 2(!) days on the net.(mount /mnt/cdrom). So i say, fuck M$, but XP is just great!!!!!!!!


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