Author Topic: Windows XP sucks  (Read 1962 times)


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Windows XP sucks
« Reply #15 on: 6 March 2002, 03:57 »
Yeah - I know it is far from perfect, there is the whole privacy thing and there are bugs for sure but at least it works - unlike most other M$ Shite.  I can do stuff on XP that I could never do before.
I had no problems with drivers although it took a while for my video card vendor to get their driver digitally signed.

If I could afford a high performance Mac I would most likely go that way but $$$ do not allow it.

What would or could be even better would be if the Applications I use were written for Unix/Linux
but that never seems to happen - not enough demand for the specialist apps I guess.


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Windows XP sucks
« Reply #16 on: 6 March 2002, 13:58 »
yes well, it's a vicious circle isn't it?
if everybody goes "oh well, i can't use linux so i will continue using windows, because there's not enough demand for the programs i want" then there will be NO DEMAND!
why don't you demand something? You know somebody's actually running a petition of signatures to try and get  dreamweaver ported to Linux. just search for "linux dreamweaver" on google. If enough people stop lying down and taking it then there *will* be enough demand.
i just installed linux, and it comes with so many programs, i won't have tried them all out this time next year! what does windows come with? internet explorer and outlook express, and we've all seen how marvellous those programs are (read hidden files, backdoors, worms and viruses). oh and wordpad. oh sorry, you get minesweeper and solitaire too. pardon me for not being enthusiastic.
All i am saying is, if people won't stand up and be counted, nobody will think to count them in the first place. How do software developers know you want a product unless you tell them?

[ March 06, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Windows XP sucks
« Reply #17 on: 7 March 2002, 08:38 »
Microsoft is the one taking care of the "counting" for everyone else.  
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Windows XP sucks
« Reply #18 on: 11 March 2002, 14:46 »
Originally posted by Zeldario:
My Voodoo cards also do not work correctly with XP. With Linux they work fine.

Possibly because 3dfx is dead, and hence, there are no updated drivers for XP.


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Windows XP sucks
« Reply #19 on: 11 March 2002, 16:14 »
Originally posted by Fett101:

Possibly because 3dfx is dead, and hence, there are no updated drivers for XP.

I take it by 'dead', you mean 'no longer supported by Microsoft'?
Just because ONE SHITTY SOFTWARE COMPANY decides something is 'dead', that does not suddenly mean nobody has those things installed in their computer anymore.
The only reason a perfectly good video card would be obsolete, is if they stopped writing drivers for it, and according to you, the only reason they would stop writing drivers is if the thing were 'dead' already.
The very fact that people still use these things proves they are not 'dead', dumbass!
Maybe the real reason for this, oh i hate to sound cliched, i can't think now, isn't the reason that there are no drivers for XP because Microsoft ARE A BUNCH OF MONEYGRABBING BASTARDS WHO TRY TO MAKE EVERYTHING OVER A YEAR OLD OBSOLETE SO THAT ALL THE NEW HARDWARE CAN ONLY BE RUN USING WINDOWS?
obviously it doesn't work though, if it can be run using Linux. Actually in this particular instance, it sounds like somebody just can't be arsed to write the drivers, unless there's some dodgy blackmail/backhanding going on that we don't know about.
Since we have no evidence of such, i reckon that it's just plain apathy on the part of everybody who might be writing a driver, but isn't.
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Windows XP sucks
« Reply #20 on: 11 March 2002, 21:22 »
More like dead because 3dfx has discontinued support. And they don't quite feel like making new drivers XP.


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Windows XP sucks
« Reply #21 on: 13 March 2002, 08:45 »
Guys, you can still use Voodoo card in XP. All you need is the drivers, which can be had over at


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Windows XP sucks
« Reply #22 on: 13 March 2002, 15:43 »
there you go, hardly dead!

(i didn't try the link because the day i'll need XP drivers is the day Bill Gates tells the truth, but i trust Bateluer is right)

Also, you do realise (don't you?) that most Linux drivers are not written by the manufacturers of the kit concerned? I do not have the competency to write a driver myself, but to say something is dead just because the manufacturer no longer supports newer (so called ) operating systems is weak as fuck, pardon my english.
There are two solutions here if you have a "dead" peripheral,

1) don't use XP, use an older copy of windows that you *DO* have the drivers for,
2) get drivers that are NOT written by the manufacturer of the kit. I believe this is not the norm in the M$DOS/Win community, so maybe this option will require you to get a FREE UPGRADE to Linux to make your peripheral work properly...
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