All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows XP sucks
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
quote:Originally posted by psyjax:
Is it just me, or is this guy sending mixed signals?
--- End quote ---
I think, I understand now! He thinks XP is just great!! well, I think XP just sux!! Uglyst thing I have seen since win 3.1, is Bloatware, and is designed to capture the user and his computing experience in a little M$ coated cage, were they will feed you M$ kibble and bleed your wallet for the rest of your life.
Have fun!
Ok, I accidently replied to a message I tried to edit. So I tried deleating the message but, of course can't, :(
So disregard the first. regard the secong (I think)
[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]
Hey, everybody is just f*cking about how bad windblows is but i gotta admit i dont like it either, but it got me started working with comp. linux is a true culture shock if u have to adapt, having used windoh!s for three years loosedows is easy to get started however, so it has a good purpose: kindergarden, yall know
after a quick flurry with BASIC andC while at school, i have used windows and MacOS for years and i have to say that linux is INCREDIBLY daunting. I have a mate who runs linux, and it's frustrating to see how much power he has at his fingertips compared with the repetitive drag and drop, it might not work type environment i use in windows, BUT put me in front of a BASH prompt and i'll freeze up!
all windows and MacOS have done for me is dumb me down to the point where i'm almost too daunted to imagine using anything else. And i think i speak for a lot of people.
If i had started with linux, i would be able (but not willing!) to use windows easily, but it doesn't work the other way around.
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