All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
startup &shutdown screens
HI everyone:
I too an a newby at this computer jargan.I would like to know if anyone out there knows how I can delete the start up and shut down screen on my WW9988 ooss.I downloaded a desktop theme but it did not say that it came with the start and shut screens.I need my default ones back.I also contacted shitsoft but without paying they gave me no help.I think I neeeeed a change.Oh bye the way this is one of the best sites of its kind I ever ran across Thanks
the bitmap images for your startup and shutdown screens are in your C: directory and terminate in .dat - to view them in windows (which is a system that does not determine file type by content like any decent system would) you must copy the .dat files somewhere else, change the extension to .bmp, edit them with MSPaint or another proprietary and useless image editor, photoshop is the current favourite amongst windoids i do believe, and resave them as .dat files again. Then, backup the original .dat files in C: and stick your new ones in the C: drive. so long as you used the right names, did not resize the image and saved as an 8BIT (256 colour) bitmap then it should work fine.
or else you could just use a handy third party program to do it for you. there are a number of programs here that are excellent at getting rid of your windows startup and shut down screens.
good luck and hope to see you on the forums in future! :D
[ January 16, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]
Did you back up you previous screens, I assume not. If so then there is no way to get them back without reinstalling the software (or copying them from another installation). Secondly did you read the readme file that would come with a professionally done theme, I am again betting no. This should document what was done and how to recover, or where the originals were saved, if at all. However my experience with windows taught me that most people fail to adequately document their stuff (not a problem with Linux).
There are ways to get them back, but this is not the site to ask them. This site is for learning about other OSs. If you are considering moving away the people here will help you no end, however if all you want to do is learn how to use a crap and inferior OS that is severely limited and fails to do what a proper OS does in a stable and secure manner, then you are out of luck.
You CAN'T delete your start-up screen. But you can change them.
Download cool start-up screens here, convert them to bitmaps with Paint. Then change the converted bitmap into "logo.sys" and place that file in "C:\".
I have a question about XP.....Is there a way to replace that DAMNED UGLY start button?
[ January 18, 2003: Message edited by: XP_sucks ]
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