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startup &shutdown screens
quote:Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
Those OSX themes are pretty horrible.
But Linux is easy to imatate considering that windows still uses raster bitmapping for the majority of it's screen rendring.
I really don't think it's possible to immitate aqua fully in windows or otherwise.
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they can make it look like aqua, almost, but they can not match how smooth and clean it feels. mac commando ;)
Walt, those are pretty good windows-looking-like linux shots! (if only they weren't covered in internet explorer and all that crap!) but i'm less than convinced by the mac-alike ones. i thought the red hat button was very amusing on your windows desktop.
somebody posted a screenshot in the screens thread that was windows running blackbox. pretty confusing.
personally i think you might as well run linux if you want it to look like that, but each to their own. i can't really talk, remember i went through my phase of trying to get mandrake to look like windows?
quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
So you like Bluecurve ehhh? How about this...XP with a Bluecurve theme and a replacement taskbar(my rig).
The bluecurve theme using the standard Windows taskbar that has been modified to look sorta like the one in Redhat 8(I said sorta like..not exactly like because I don't have the time to fool with making it look exactly the same right now.)
[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
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Can you send me the .msstyles file? I found one on, but it's not as good as yours...
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