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startup &shutdown screens

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Yep, installing Red Hat 8.0 will get rid of it.

sorry, they're not dat files, they're sys files. same difference. it's all crap anyway. they show up as bitmap thumbnails when you view them in konqueror anyway.

Change your start button text

Havn't found changing the button yet, but enough time in google would have an answer. Either that, or just download style XP and skin the whole damned thing.

Just change it back to the Windows Classic theme by right clicking on your desktop and selecting properties. U'll have the old gray windows style back then but i think that looks boring. Make your computer run faster though!!! The XP graphics slow computers right down.
quote:Originally posted by XP_sucks:
I have a question about XP.....Is there a way to replace that DAMNED UGLY start button?

[ January 18, 2003: Message edited by: XP_sucks ]
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quote:Originally posted by red-lightning:
Just change it back to the Windows Classic theme by right clicking on your desktop and selecting properties. U'll have the old gray windows style back then but i think that looks boring. Make your computer run faster though!!! The XP graphics slow computers right down.
--- End quote ---

yeah, xp sucks. i installed redhat8.0 and my computer has never been faster. its a p2 450 with 512 mb ram. damn slow for xp, works great with redhat8.0. i dont think you could put xp on that computer. it would freak out   :eek:   . and i didnt have to deal with windows ugly ui. KDE and GNome look way better than 2000, and even XP. by default. very nice.

[ February 03, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle_one ]


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