Author Topic: Why Microsoft will always be king  (Read 2253 times)


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« on: 19 October 2002, 06:02 »

Let me start by saying I am fully prepared to get flamed, but I don't care.  When I refer to Linux, I am speaking of the use of the OS as a desktop (not server).  

I have been around computers for long enough to conisder myself oldschool.  I tried Linux in 1995 dual booting with 3.11, and it was a shitty experience.  It took a lot of work to get the "drivers" working...I am being sarcastic.

Anyway, Linux is way better now, I know that.  But, what is the point?

Money rules everything, money comes from business, business uses Windows.  My mom would never know how to use Linux.  The applications that come out for Linux can't compete with the R&D/Marketing budgets of the companies coming out with Windows Apps.

The only shot Linux has is as a server.  It is free and good.  That is fine, but it doesn't work with everything, can't authenticate Windows against it.  No solid AD structure.  

Also, all the other apps that MS will win with.  IE will always be the browser of choice, Windows Media Server is free, so Real is royally screwed. Office...etc...

So, stay with Linux if you want, but it will never ever ever be the desktop OS of choice, so don't waste your time with the fight you can't win.

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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #1 on: 19 October 2002, 06:16 »
So be fully prepared that we don't care.
Read the sig, live your life.
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #2 on: 19 October 2002, 06:34 »
Originally posted by RudeCat7:
So be fully prepared that we don't care.
Read the sig, live your life.

I second that... and we should care what you think because??


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #3 on: 19 October 2002, 07:05 »
Welcome to the forums avid007. now, Fuck off.

[ October 18, 2002: Message edited by: xyle_one ]

[ October 23, 2002: Message edited by: xyle_one ]


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #4 on: 19 October 2002, 07:07 »
So you're argument is that because you have to pay for windows, and windows apps, it is better? Linux hasn't really had a budget, as anyone can work on it. But yet it has surpassed windows in every aspect i can think of, with the exception of perhaps simplicity. You are telling me that because I have to pay $200 for a dumbed down, feature restricted, unethical operating system, it is better. As for simplicity I think redhat is going down that road too, and when they have it so it is easy enough for any windows user you'll find the windows popluation slowly declining. This won't be long. When palladium comes around i'm sure 80% of people will switch to an alternate operating system, as they want their music, movies, and other non-palladium stuff.

But then again, they have a big budget, they must be better.   :rolleyes:  

Why would you waste your time posting where you know you'll only waste people like me's time?

[ October 18, 2002: Message edited by: Stryker ]


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #5 on: 19 October 2002, 08:01 »
I'll respond to this the same as I responded to your other post. I have already beat Microsoft. My house is Microsoft free. My kids use OpenOffice to do their homework, they use Mozilla or Konqueror to browse the web, they use Evolution to read their mail. My parents have no trouble using it and I don't have to clean viruses off of their computer every time I visit ever since I set them up with Linux. I use Linux exclusively in my business. So now why should I care about Microsoft again?
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #6 on: 19 October 2002, 21:05 »
Originally posted by void main:
I'll respond to this the same as I responded to your other post. I have already beat Microsoft. My house is Microsoft free. My kids use OpenOffice to do their homework, they use Mozilla or Konqueror to browse the web, they use Evolution to read their mail. My parents have no trouble using it and I don't have to clean viruses off of their computer every time I visit ever since I set them up with Linux. I use Linux exclusively in my business. So now why should I care about Microsoft again?

Because this is an anti-microsoft site, we are here to care. Me, I care but i don't care positively about them.


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #7 on: 19 October 2002, 21:10 »
avid007, I'm one of the only people here who thinks Microsoft actually makes a good product (for home use, anyway) and even I don't believe that Microsoft is invulnerable, monopoly though it may be.  Fact is, Steve Ballmer has publicly made it clear that Linux is the most worrisome problem Microsoft has ever faced.  Since it isn't a company, more of a phenomenon, none of Microsoft's tactics seem to work on it.  To think, people giving software away for free??!?? Steve can barely comprehend the notion itself, although he is beginning to pretend to cozy up to the idea, even going so far as to say he "loves open source."  For him I imagine it's like cuddling up in bed with a pit viper.  Before Linux came on the scene, the idea that people would actually give away software to combat Microsoft hadn't entered into even his darkest thoughts.  After using some of the later versions of Linux myself, I have a feeling that Microsoft, and Apple for that matter, should be very wary of its progress.  It only takes a couple of extra steps, and bam!  No more proprietary operating systems.  So, in my opinion, Microsoft is not invulnerable, even on the desktop.  All they need to do is get complacent or make one wrong move (palladium, perhaps?) and it's over for them.  I think it's great, since now we have something that will drive Microsoft to make even better products than it already does, and so even though it may stay around it will be stronger in the long run because of things like Linux.


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #8 on: 19 October 2002, 10:12 »
Don't get me wrong...I think healthy competition is always good...(economics), however, I see no chance at all that Linux can compete.  Honestly, all the cool anti-microsoft Linux shit and then what does RedHat do?  

SO don't think for a second that you are helping some....cause.  You are just helping someone else get rich.  Meanwhile, everyone else uses Windows and is happy to pay their fees becuase the software works.  It isn't a hack every time I want to do something.  If I have a problem, the answers are easily available and I don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.  

Remember an OS is not going to succeed if it is cool for geeks and programmers (unless it is a server).  An OS succeeds if it is easy to use and works with everyone else COMPATIBILITY (sorry Macintosh)

Really, what is the point?  If you are seeking careers as programmers or sys admins, then keep up with Linux because you'll make big bucks.  But if you think you are helping some cause, you are just fattening someone elses wallet.

And if your Mom is using Linux, then something is wrong with your family!!!

Don't fight the battle you can't win


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #9 on: 19 October 2002, 10:32 »
Originally posted by avid007:

SO don't think for a second that you are helping some....cause.  You are just helping someone else get rich.  Meanwhile, everyone else uses Windows and is happy to pay their fees becuase the software works.

I have NEVER had to get any security updates for open office, star office, evolution, or any other standard program that most users would be using. If for some reason I did wish to get a security update, nowhere would I ever be forced to give personal information, or have it secretly taken from me. With Windows I have had windows itself continously pester me with "automatic updates" which basicly says, "This operating system is extremely vulnerable to security breaches, because of this we will be bothering you until you submit personal information and get our updates. Whereas we will then go to bother you even more in the near future." Yes you can turn off automatic updates, but would any normal person figure that out? By normal I mean someone who gets on, types a report, checks email, and plays solitaire. Gates even says that his operating system has no flaws, but then they still want you to get updates? What the fuck? Sure, "It just works"  :rolleyes:     But why would you want to go through that when you can have a system that works right out of the box, and is free or next to free?

As for economics... It's Microsoft, they don't really have to worry about money too much. Unless of course someone else is getting some, or nobody at all. My first experience with linux I remember because of it's ease. It installed flawlessly, and the only reason I post questions here is because I want to go beyond what the standard windows user would like. (Like finding a rhino alternative). Which I have found a few things I am looking into right now.

You come on here and say that we are wasting our time for a cause that doesn't exist. What is it that you think you are doing here?


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #10 on: 19 October 2002, 10:39 »
And then what does Redhat do... no seriously Avid, I don't know what Redhat did. I can still download Redhat for free from their site, what did they do?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #11 on: 19 October 2002, 10:53 »
>>You come on here and say that we are wasting our time for a cause that doesn't exist. What is it that you think you are doing here?

I am simply getting on your nerves because you know I am right.  Plus, I was bored tonight.  

>>I don't know what Redhat did. I can still download Redhat for free from their site, what did they do?

You know exactly what they did.  They sold the fuck out!  Go to a Linux conference...ask anybody who has been here a while.  It ain't techy cool anymore.  It's all business now.  All the causers just contributed to the wallets of someone else.

You know that is true.  Let anybody tell  me that Linux conferences aren't all business now.

I'm just saying know who you are working for.

Don't fight the battle you can't win


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #12 on: 19 October 2002, 11:00 »
Lesser of two evils, Avid. Free and corporate, or proprietary and corporate. IF Redhat counts as evil...

To save the world and kill Microsoft, you have to team up with former enemies(the corps). Although I have some theories about this:

1)How do you know that ALL Linux conferences are like this, some perhaps, but all?
2)Maybe some geeks just wear suits to fit in with the corps.
3)Some geeks graduated to corp dudes due to their free software involvement.
4)There is likely still some regular geeks hanging around, just hard to notice amidst all the suits.

I mean do you seriously think there is going to be bouncers at the door saying "Corporate people only".
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #13 on: 19 October 2002, 11:28 »
Remember an OS is not going to succeed if it is cool for geeks and programmers (unless it is a server). An OS succeeds if it is easy to use and works with everyone else COMPATIBILITY (sorry Macintosh)

If that is the criteria, I think the Mac fit's in very well.

Perhpse if certain overgrown monopolistic companies wouldn't be gobbling up the pie before anyone else has a slice there would be a bit more fair competition among software and hardware makers.


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Why Microsoft will always be king
« Reply #14 on: 19 October 2002, 14:36 »
the whole thing about Windows always being king is that they have TECH SUPPORT. if there is a problem at the office there will be a team of tech guys rushed over in an unmarked station wagon to fix the problem lol.