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Why Microsoft will always be king

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Let me start by saying I am fully prepared to get flamed, but I don't care.  When I refer to Linux, I am speaking of the use of the OS as a desktop (not server).  

I have been around computers for long enough to conisder myself oldschool.  I tried Linux in 1995 dual booting with 3.11, and it was a shitty experience.  It took a lot of work to get the "drivers" working...I am being sarcastic.

Anyway, Linux is way better now, I know that.  But, what is the point?

Money rules everything, money comes from business, business uses Windows.  My mom would never know how to use Linux.  The applications that come out for Linux can't compete with the R&D/Marketing budgets of the companies coming out with Windows Apps.

The only shot Linux has is as a server.  It is free and good.  That is fine, but it doesn't work with everything, can't authenticate Windows against it.  No solid AD structure.  

Also, all the other apps that MS will win with.  IE will always be the browser of choice, Windows Media Server is free, so Real is royally screwed. Office...etc...

So, stay with Linux if you want, but it will never ever ever be the desktop OS of choice, so don't waste your time with the fight you can't win.


So be fully prepared that we don't care.
Read the sig, live your life.


quote:Originally posted by RudeCat7:
So be fully prepared that we don't care.
Read the sig, live your life.
--- End quote ---

I second that... and we should care what you think because??

Welcome to the forums avid007. now, Fuck off.

[ October 18, 2002: Message edited by: xyle_one ]

[ October 23, 2002: Message edited by: xyle_one ]

So you're argument is that because you have to pay for windows, and windows apps, it is better? Linux hasn't really had a budget, as anyone can work on it. But yet it has surpassed windows in every aspect i can think of, with the exception of perhaps simplicity. You are telling me that because I have to pay $200 for a dumbed down, feature restricted, unethical operating system, it is better. As for simplicity I think redhat is going down that road too, and when they have it so it is easy enough for any windows user you'll find the windows popluation slowly declining. This won't be long. When palladium comes around i'm sure 80% of people will switch to an alternate operating system, as they want their music, movies, and other non-palladium stuff.

But then again, they have a big budget, they must be better.   :rolleyes:  

Why would you waste your time posting where you know you'll only waste people like me's time?

[ October 18, 2002: Message edited by: Stryker ]


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