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best operating system for gaming....
What do yous think?
Since i went back to windows millenium, i get awesome framerates, framerates by no way i got with windows xp, for one reason cause i only have 64 megs of ram.
i am so happy playing madden football 2002 blissfully baby! counter strike too!
ha, I get 100+ fps with return to castle wolfenstein (in hallways and passageways 200+ fps) on linux, which I won't get by far in windows.
Hey Karma, I am getting over 500 FPS on the GL video test using the "gear" program in Linux. Quake III runs much better on my Linux side. How can I tell what the frame rate is within Quake?
Here are som facts:
I am the proud owner of a radeon8500.
In windows 2k i get 6400 3dmarks, in 3dmark2001
In windows 98se i get 7300 3dmarks.
Windows 98se runs every game ever made (exept those not made for windows at all) It is easy to install, its easy to tweak. Ive heard that linux should be faster, but since I'm not actually laggin, I think I'll keep on using windows98se.
Keep yer 98. Who's telling you to change? If you are happy that's all that counts. I'm not a gamer, well I take that back, we have a PlayStation2 and I just installed Quake III on Linux but games for me are nothing but a waste of time. And for everything else, Microsoft sucks.
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