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best operating system for gaming....

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Doctor V:
The best system hands down for games is Linux.  It runs games faster and with far less system resources than Winblows.  They are also much much easier to make, and never crash --thats right NEVER.  Unfortunately, Bill Gates did many illegal things to corner the market, and basically force game makers to make games only for Winblows, so we don't get to see how great it can be for most games (and he's going ot do the same for web pages next!).  :(

Return to Castle Wolfenstein timedemo results:


AMD Athlon 1400@1533Mhz
1Gb pc2100 DDR ram
Asustek v8200 Geforce 3 64MB DDR
Asus a7m266 mainboard
Maxtor 60gb 7200rpm hdd

No anti-aliasing
All graphical options

windows xp : 76.8fps
linux : 115.3fps

'nuff said

(and win98 se is no option for me because it says I have to remove 512Mb ram from my pc  :D )


quote:Windows 98se runs every game ever made (exept those not made for windows at all)
--- End quote ---

DOH! right, it runs every game ever in the history of humankind, except the ones it can't.


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