Author Topic: I am a Microsoft Supporter.  (Read 966 times)

Doctor V

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I am a Microsoft Supporter.
« on: 7 February 2002, 10:20 »
I support Microsoft.  

I bought a computer last year.  I found a nice deal on a Sotec computer with a 1.2GB AMD processor.  It came with Windows ME, a version of Windows 98 created only to give consumers somthing else to buy, often referred to as a garbage OS.  I asked the poeple working in the shop if I could get the computer without the OS installed, and they said it wasn't possible.  I had already been looking at new computers for quite a while, and in the end I decided to pick it up.  Doing so, part of the money I paid for that computer went to Microsoft, making me a Microsoft supporter -AGAINST MY WILL!!!

I don't want to continue to support Microsoft, but I don't know if I'm going to have a choice.  Maybe I'll just have to build a computer or somthing to aviod having my money go to Microsoft.  It really pisses me off that I will have to put forth so much effort to not buy their products...wether I want to use them or not.

I picked up a copy of Mandrake 8.1, and I am impressed.  Installation was easy, I had one small problem, and on Mandrake's home page, I found the answer to the problem, and had it fixed, and working flawlessly in about 5 minutes.  I now have a dual booting system.  I have to keep Winblows because there are many applications I need to use that Microsoft has paid money to prevent from coming out for Linux (or Mac OS X for that matter).  These applications would undoubtably run better on Linux too.

This really irks me, and I hope someday Microsofts can be brought to justice.



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« Reply #1 on: 7 February 2002, 14:35 »
But you can buy a PC without windows installed. If you buy one with Linux or no OS at all, it may cost you $400 less or whatever it is you pay wherever you are! You might have to look around a bit but they are out there i promise!
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« Reply #2 on: 7 February 2002, 21:46 »
While it is extremely difficult to get an OEM system that doesn't have Macro$uck installed    :mad:   they can't force you to keep it. Here is what you can do:

1) After connecting the new system, but before you turn it on for the first time, place the boot diskette of your OS of choice in the slot.

2) Turn the system on. In this case, Winders will never boot up. Follow the normal install procedure. This way, you have never used the M$ software.

3) Carefully document *exactly* what you did. Then take out the copy of the Winders EULA that came with your new system, and print "DECLINED" on it. Send via regestered mail to Redmond. Return any manuals or CDs or other paper work. These must be returned *unopened*! This is most important. Explain that you are declining to accept the EULA, that you don't want whatever version of Winders they tried to stick you with, and that you - in accordance with the EULA - are returning the software for a refund.      

4) Send copy to your OEM, and explain to them that you don't appreciate the fact that they didn't offer you your choice of *non*-Macro$uck software. (I, not too long ago, checked out an OEM whose only proffered choice was Win XP, which will *never* disgrace any system I run, or Win ME - WHUDDA DEAL!   :eek:   ) While there isn't anything the OEM can do about it, it lets them know that not all their customers are necessarily happy with their choice of software. If you don't let them know, then why would they ever change how they do business?

If you do this, by the terms of Macro$uck's *own* EULA, they now owe you a refund for whatever your OEM charges for supplying Winders. They'll have no "wiggle room" by being able to say, well, you used the software, if only to ditch it, therefore you implicitly agreed to accept the EULA, so no refund for you.

As to whether or not you'll actually get that refund, well, that's a whole 'nother story.

[ February 07, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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« Reply #3 on: 8 February 2002, 03:42 »
Wow ... nice post, it allmost makes me want to go and buy a pc with windows preinstalled just to do that  :D
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« Reply #4 on: 8 February 2002, 03:45 »
Naw, I would rather buy my hardware from the mom & pop shops who can sell me the hardware without MS installed.  Dell/Gateway/Compaq/IBM/etc doesn't need any of my money...
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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« Reply #5 on: 8 February 2002, 04:38 »
Hey .... I said allmost didn't I?  :D

The only "brand" computer I'll ever buy is Alienware but that will most likely even be limited to just the casing  :D
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« Reply #6 on: 8 February 2002, 08:05 »
Whoops, I have to take IBM off my list.  What the hell was I thinking?
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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« Reply #7 on: 11 February 2002, 11:38 »
Another suggestion if you're not comfortable with building your own system is to buy a low-end server (Dell, Gateway, Compaq, etc.) for < $600; by default they come without an OS and have incredibly stable chipsets.


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« Reply #8 on: 27 February 2002, 13:37 »
An CPU on 1,2GB, I'm impressed... n00b? <-- gfx tweaks, cs-mapping, downloads.