Author Topic: The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit  (Read 1815 times)


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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« on: 5 March 2002, 08:24 »
Personally, I think its a waste of resources.

I want to see Open Source (with linux leading the charge) take down MS and replace windows as the dominate OS. But I want to see a fair fight. If the government intervenes, its not a fair fight. Its kinda like the ref at a boxing match shooting the bigger fighter with a tranqualizer dart in the middle of the round. I want to see the underdog win in a fair fight. Its not fair if MS is bound in chains and doped up on drugs to the point where it cannot fight back.

Competition is good in the marketplace. I am aware of MS's tactics in buying competiting software. But Open Source programs are something they cannot buy. MS will never own the rights to the linux kernal.

If the linux companies and MS compete in a fair fight, then we will see more powerful, faster, and more stable OSs and software then we ever dreamed of.


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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« Reply #1 on: 5 March 2002, 08:58 »
Microsoft is more like a fighter who makes sure his oponents are crippled before the match. With them there is no fair competition because THEY are not fair!

They aren't big and powerfull cuz of competition, they got big on a product they stole!

They don't make a better products, they force infirior derivative crap on a basicaly captive audience.

They aren't out to earn money, these people are out to take everyones money at every turn, I think they call it extortion!

Jeez.... how can open source win competatively when some companay does shit like the old Halloween Documents?

This isn't "let the best man win", these are dirty tactics by a company who wants ME to support them?

Ethicaly, I could never buy a M$ product.

And for a guy that is freaked about the SSSCA you sure chose a wierd company to support.

M$ wan'ts to rule the way you experience your computer and everything you can do with it. That's the bottom line, Bill Gates said it himself. He wants a Windows PC on everyones desk.

To me that's a scary world, because the only reason Bill has that goal is that the entire population will be at his mercy when it comes to computers. He has no concept of choice, he only sees growth potential in the suckers he corals in to his evergrowing little cage.

The Anti-Trust case IS more than necissary. Right now, as sad as it is, whatever M$ says goes, and there is nothing the users can do about it. Bill' has 'em by the nuts.

M$ says, you will now give me all your personal information before you can use the OS you baught. All the user can say is "Yes master"

M$ says "I think I want to keep track of how much porn your watching and what illegal Mp3s you have" user says "I hear and obey"

So the user decides not to upgrade, tough luck, M$ wont support your oudated system and will use their levrege to make software companyes impose the new standards.

It will get worse if they get their way. Perhapse Im a little excited, or even exagerating a bit. Maybe it's more of a long term thing, but evil is like that. It's pascient and insidius and grows like cancer withought you even noticing, when you turn around it's got you, and your fuked.

[ March 05, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« Reply #2 on: 5 March 2002, 20:15 »
I disagree. MS is a successful company, no one can deny that.

I want to see open source win without the government crippling MS.

I am freaked out of the SSSCA because it will take away my freedom to build custom computers and my right to experiment with alternative OSs.

Hehe, the only MS OS I actually bought was win2k pro, and i bought that before I had all my 'connections'


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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« Reply #3 on: 5 March 2002, 21:15 »
who buys microsoft products?
just download a copy (if ya got some bandwidth to do it with)
just wait a week after its released

[ March 05, 2002: Message edited by: ajj55422 ]


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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« Reply #4 on: 6 March 2002, 01:59 »
Why do you expect a fair battle between M
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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« Reply #5 on: 6 March 2002, 10:13 »
I want to see open source win without the government crippling MS.

What I'd really like to see is Macro$uck fall because of lies and misunderstandings. Now that would be real poetic justice. He who lives by the FUD, dies by the FUD  
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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« Reply #6 on: 6 March 2002, 13:24 »
hear hear. I agree totally with that last post. If those buggers are guilty of something, hang the bastards.
If someone were to steal all your possesions, but you caught them in the act, you would challenge them. Or would you? what if they were bigger than you? Would you leave them alone because they were bigger? it would be okay for them to steal all your stuff if they were bigger than you, wouldn't it?
Yes. This is market forces in action. You can have it. I am a socialist and proud of it, that is one of the reasons that i believe theives should not be allowed to get away with it. Likewise confidence tricksters and frauds et cetera.

Anyway, what are the odds the US government is on M$'s side in the long run no matter what kind of a show they put on? I bet it's backhanders all the way.
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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« Reply #7 on: 7 March 2002, 21:52 »
M$ is all about dominating the computing environment.....they just can't handle anyone else doing well.

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The MS Anti-Trust Lawsuit
« Reply #8 on: 7 March 2002, 12:31 »
I don't usually post to boards, but I couldn't help it when I noticed  "Open Source programs are something they cannot buy."  in the original post.  You're exactly right.  They just take them at their leasure.  Look into the history of Hotmail.  Nothing is sacred to those people.  Not even the United States government can compete against them.  Have you heard the latest news about the court battle between Microsoft and the justice department?
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