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windowsbbs link on this forum: my opinion.


Doctor V:
At the top of this forum there is a message and a link sending people to windowsbbs.  I am of the opinion that if someone, in their quest for help over a problem with their windows operating system, becomes irate enough to come to a site called, that they might be willing to try out an alternative to either a M$ application, or to windows itself.  And suggesting alternatives is generally what people do in such a case.  If such a person is turned away and led to windowsbBS before asking their question on this forum, they might be missing out on an oppurtunity to learn about non-ms software.  As an incumbent, part of what keeps M$s hold on the market is that poeple don't know about alternatives, or simply assume they are no good.  Dealing with these people can be fun at times.  Even if the person is closed minded to alternatives, they could at least become a way to let off a little steam.  I wouldn't like seeing windowsbbs getting any extra traffic from this site either.  It is a very biased pro-windows site.  I have been banned there after just two posts comparing windows to other OSes, and I heard that Calum has been banned for mentioning Linux as well.  No reason to show people to a site that helps M$, and will only help to keep people locked into M$.  This is the Microsoft Eradication Society right.

So I for one think the link and message to windowsbbs should be removed.

windows b bs
windows be bullshit



quote:Originally posted by Doctor V 0.8.7:
At the top of this forum there is a message and a link sending people to windowsbbs.  I am of the opinion that if someone, in their quest for help over a problem with their windows operating system, becomes irate enough to come to a site called, that they might be willing to try out an alternative to either a M$ application, or to windows itself.  And suggesting alternatives is generally what people do in such a case.  If such a person is turned away and led to windowsbBS before asking their question on this forum, they might be missing out on an oppurtunity to learn about non-ms software.  As an incumbent, part of what keeps M$s hold on the market is that poeple don't know about alternatives, or simply assume they are no good.  Dealing with these people can be fun at times.  Even if the person is closed minded to alternatives, they could at least become a way to let off a little steam.  I wouldn't like seeing windowsbbs getting any extra traffic from this site either.  It is a very biased pro-windows site.  I have been banned there after just two posts comparing windows to other OSes, and I heard that Calum has been banned for mentioning Linux as well.  No reason to show people to a site that helps M$, and will only help to keep people locked into M$.  This is the Microsoft Eradication Society right.

So I for one think the link and message to windowsbbs should be removed.

--- End quote ---

i agree entirely.

edit - it's fixed.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: [calum@localhost]$ ]

I still agree with Doctor, that compassion conquers all(errr in some cases), but I can't fight the vocal majority.


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