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MMORPG's, DX8.1, VMWare, WinXP and Linux? Help please!


The header should be fairly self-explanitory.
Can VMWare run these types of games straight from Linux?  Or can I run Linux straight from windows with a virtual bridged network?  I understand that this site does not appreciate Windows.. and after a trip to anonymizer to veiw my security leaks from the Windows Trojan called IExplore, I have not been pleased for my own reasons.  Particularly after spending about 4 days straight trying to delete this Temp/Hist files.  I am actually considering using Linux as a primary OS, but with my little Online Gaming crack addiction to Everquest, I can't seem to find options.  I am considering trying out Linux on my VMware for windows to see if I can hack it; first attempts have been overwhelming as of yet.  I am not close to even being a script kiddie when it comes to computers.. so maybe explain like I was just born =P  Like.. umm.. all of this stuff.  Right now I am more interested in functionality probabilities than actual instructions.  What works?  What doesn't?
Should I just forget about Linux?

Many thanks,


Don't forget about Linux, forget about Windows.  You can run Linux under VMware for Windows, or you can run Windows from VMware for Linux (which is what I do when I need to run a Windows app).


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