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Another MSBS EULA clause

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Here is a direct quote from the latest w98 security patch.

* You may not disclose the results of any benchmark test of the .NET Framework component of the OS Components to any third party without Microsoft

Wasn't network associates busted down for doing this? This kind of crap is why you should read before clicking yes.

I'm not a lawyer but I seriously doubt this will hold up in court in my country, we still have a little thing called "free speech" which covers this pretty well I guess .....

The fact is M$ is able to get away with outrageous shit like this for two main reasons:

1. Lawmakers are EONS behind in developing any sort of legislation to protect computer user's rights (if anything, lawmakers are eager to DESTROY the rights of users and non-M$ developers alike)

and more importantly;

2. Exactly how many people actually READ the EULA??? My guess would be less than 10%, and that's being pretty generous IMO.

Plus a third point one could raise is that there aren't any restrictions (to my knowledge) as to what can be imposed upon users in the EULA. Who can forget the restrictions Adobe imposed upon users with the e-book product Glassbook they released which included:

No text selections can be copied from the book to the clipboard.
No printing is permitted of this book.
This book cannot be lent or given to someone else.
This book cannot be given to someone else.
Read Aloud:
This book cannot be read aloud.

And keep in mind this is for literature which can be found for FREE through mediums such as Project Gutenberg.

[ July 09, 2002: Message edited by: TB ]

By clicking yes, do we give up those rights, or is the contract void because it interfers with our first amendment??? I wonder if anyone could file a lawsuit over EULA. It all has a lot of bs in it, like one part of it kind of indirectly says that we don't own the windows software we had bought, microsoft just simply gives us permission to use it. If we violate it by say installing 98 on two computers with the same CD, they can, if they find out about it, take away our right to use it. I guess they actually found a way to enforce they rule in XP though. Windows sucks, They need a virtual windex to clean the dirt and streaks of the bull shit OS


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