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Everybody noticed... (-: but noone caired that much [winxp]
Everybody noticed... (-: but noone caired that much [winxp]
Windows xp executes a default screen saver ' login.scr' after a certain time of inactivity in windows :with i guess admin. privilage!!! even when no screen scaver is specified or the screensaver is disabled by the user/administrator...
Not to mention, this sceen saver even pop's up in the welcome screen if the user logon is delayed for couple of minutes...
Guess what... a person like me could replace a default "c:\windows\system32\login.scr <hUNT3R infeCted>
I am not sure on this... /never got enough time to 100% assure this... <it start's with a admin. privilage> is there anyone out there to verify this...
Anyway the solution could be...
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
Based on the same kind of trick i came up with a idea 4 year's ago.
Ok, here is a situation...
Suppose you have to hack a network that is up 24/7. You have a guest/user access...
YOUR admin. monitor's your work form a remte terminal...
here is what you could do...
Replace the winword.exe with excel.exe <kidding>
Replace the winword.exe with another winword.exe <hUNT3R infected> and wait until your admin simply click's a *.doc
Or you could tailor your stupidity to anything, like waiting for the network getting hacked with a sub7 after the admin right click's his desktop
Yap, this is possible by simply replacing some *.dll's, *.exe's or....... *actually i forgot*
Now don't tost me telling what if the SFC monitor's your activity and restores the original system file when you try to replace it...
Try disabling it by using these trick...
and deleting sfc.exe and some *.dll's
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