All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Value of a Windick CD's

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I dunno about you, but when i go to block buster video, i always steal the box full of AOL CD's andthrow them around at school. i aint for trash cans of course, dont wonna litter, but the other day, i found 4 windows 95 Cd's, I took great joy in hucking them into the trash bin alogn wtih about 30 other AOL Cd's... hell, i even got a free soda outa the deal, made 20 outa the 30 i threw, we placed bets, if you didn't figure that out, God i need to get a life....

Anyone else take the AOl CD's??? If not, do so, save people form themselves.

If they're inside anything useful, like tins, hell yeahhhhh!!!!!!!!

actually, i have taken the aol discs and tossed them. I was at Barnes and Noble, and on the way out saw a little display with a shit load of dsics, i grabbed a handful, walked out the door, and threw them into the trash can outside. It felt good, knowing that i probably saved like 25-35 people. only, i didnt grab them all, so i couldnt save everybody  :(
oh well, next time, ill walk around with a garbage bag collecting them all, then have a ball creating an aol sculpture. (with a lighter and too much time on my hands)  

I usually drive a something sharp through them, then leave them around my room. Maybe I should eventually send them back to AOL!

A friend of mine is lining his ceiling with AOL cds. Since he works at Wal-mart, he gets a s***load of them.


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