Author Topic: Another reason why I do not like MS  (Read 916 times)


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Another reason why I do not like MS
« on: 19 January 2003, 21:59 »
Why the hell should I be forced to use an OS to do coding? Yeah am talking about .net that i willbe taking next semester.

  Oh wow They  created an enviroment where you dont need different GUIS when you do Visual Basic or C++ or C#.  Woopsy doooo.  And people are so  fucking retarded that they actually think that is awesome.
  With QT troll you can write apps for almost ANY OS you want. MACS, Unix,Linux, Irix(i think) Linux. You name it.

  If you cantbeat them, blackmail them and use their stupidity against them. Thats what MS does.

  It would really help, if Linux went all out, no rules exposure with advertisments.  But installing programs should get easier.  Ordinary jo smoes dont want their heads bothered with tar files.

Doctor V

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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #1 on: 19 January 2003, 14:02 »
Originally posted by bazoukas -Angry for no reason-:
Why the hell should I be forced to use an OS to do coding?

because your in America and the people can't see past stock quotes, profits and other monetary bullshit.

 Ordinary jo smoes dont want their heads bothered with tar files.

RPMs do a good job taking care of that when they are available.


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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #2 on: 19 January 2003, 14:43 »
Originally posted by float Doctor[V]:

RPMs do a good job taking care of that when they are available.

Until you get an ass whopping of dependencies.


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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #3 on: 19 January 2003, 15:14 »
Originally posted by fett101:
Until you get an ass whopping of dependencies.

That's where apt-get for RPM comes in handy. As long as said RPMs are in the apt repository that is. Everyone who puts out code should make sure it gets into the repository so I can be happy...
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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #4 on: 19 January 2003, 19:25 »
Originally posted by void main:

That's where apt-get for RPM comes in handy. As long as said RPMs are in the apt repository that is. Everyone who puts out code should make sure it gets into the repository so I can be happy...

Yes... but come on, installing/ de-installing stuff for Linux IS a pain compared to other OSs. Why the hell can't you have things as simple as a .zip or .sit file which unpacks the app. into a folder, duble click, and your off.

I never liked the whole package thing that most Linux apps. like to use. Even OSX packages are simpler. Some things in Linux need a bit off an overhaul if they want more common users to switch over... hell, I hate that term.

Makes it sound like non-techie users are morons. Shit, I used a couple of Linux flavors, I know what's up. I think it's cool, does it make me evil that I wish it were made a bit simpler in some areas?

OSX has level's uppon Levels of functionality. You can just point 'n Click, or you can gradualy get more technical untill you hit the command line. That's not a bad thing, it allows everyone to enjoy the computer while not restricting functionality to either party....



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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #5 on: 19 January 2003, 19:39 »
Why the hell should I be forced to use an OS to do coding? Yeah am talking about .net that i willbe taking next semester.

If you cantbeat them, blackmail them and use their stupidity against them. Thats what MS does.  

 It would really help, if Linux went all out, no rules exposure with advertisments. But installing programs should get easier. Ordinary jo smoes dont want their heads bothered with tar files.

Yep, bazukas, I agree with both points.  MS vis studio .net will be the killer of all other OSes and competitors to the Evil Empire if it gets any ground.   :(   I really think there should be an antitrust case set up against M$, investigating and ending their efforts to ensure further market dominance/monopolisation (definately not the corrupted U.S. anyway (the last ones were a total joke, weren't they? they achieved *nothing*), maybe Europe should establish them).  As I saw on a thread on, .net = .takeover.  

It ties in nicely with Palladium.  I saw an M$ ad, and a little badge saying:  "Microsoft:  Hardware - Software - Compatibilty", it should be more like "Hardware - Software - Lock-in".  There will be absolutely no escape from M$, it will be the ultimate in closed technology and denial of freedom/control.  :mad:

As for the Linux installation problem, I feel the same way.  RPM and apt have to go, and we have to adopt and develop a unified Linux software installation system.  I've been pondering on the notion for a while now and have a few ideas for it, but I don't have the programming abilities.  I might share them with void man or the other coders sometimes.  It's really an important issue, because if we don't sort out these standards, when Linux is adopted as a desktop system, they will make their own standards.  To name one, this system can't be released under the GPL, as this will lead to the kind of fragmentation and sub-versions of RPM.  It has to be open, but not freely modifyable; it has to be focused.  It should also be independant of distribution (one reason why I reject RPM and apt).


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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #6 on: 19 January 2003, 22:14 »
Originally posted by void main:

That's where apt-get for RPM comes in handy. As long as said RPMs are in the apt repository that is. Everyone who puts out code should make sure it gets into the repository so I can be happy...

Unless you, insanely enough, havn't been able to get apt-get installed yet because you havn't gotten the depedencies worked out yet. It's just like gods laughing at me.

'course, then I'll find out it was on mandrake the whole time. (it's not, is it?)


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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #7 on: 20 January 2003, 02:15 »
You really need Red Hat 8.0. Most of your headaches would be gone:
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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #8 on: 20 January 2003, 03:29 »
it really does kick ass. Well RedHat alltogether kicks ass IMHO.


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Another reason why I do not like MS
« Reply #9 on: 21 January 2003, 17:03 »
how about a simple hack until we can get a good design for a unified install protocol?  something along the lines of having an executable (script or binary) called "auto-install" that resides in the top level of the tarball that would be executed automatically after extraction and decompression... it is even feasable to have another file, "auto-install.conf" for example, that would contain version control information and any thing else that needs to be handled specially.  This would be best implemented in tar/gunzip/bunzip2 by the addition of a flag that when specified would run the script/program, and a simple alias to include the flag like "--autoinst [filename]" for the users who don't quite grasp what is involved with a package installation.  the flag should allow for it's reverse, "--no-autoinst" so you can always turn it off at the command line if "--autoinst" is specified in an alias.  of course this applies more towards source tarballs since the rpm's have a (fairly) good auto-install mechanism, and usually those who do local compiles wouldn't need it.

so what in particular isn't easy about rpm installs that you feel needs much improvement?

besides "--dependancy-hell=on" which obviously needs all the help it can get....
from Attrition.Org
Like many times before, Microsoft is re-inventing the wheel and opting for something other than round.
