Author Topic: Know Thy Enemy  (Read 734 times)


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Know Thy Enemy
« on: 8 July 2003, 21:37 »
Before one can defeat one's enemy, he must know that enemy intimately.

Know this then.

Microsoft, like Apple before it, and like Novell, have this in common:  they are all run by one man megalomaniacs, their goal is absolute power using a slave labor workforce, they destroy and never create, they all steal intellectual property and at least one is a convicted burglar.

All of their employees are chosen for their ignorance and inability to understand higher level languages, in other words, they are hired off the street and never from a pool of real professionals.  The reason for this is so that they cannot learn all of the software, nor do they understand it until it is too late and they and their lives are under the absolute control of their employer.

Your tax dollars pay to keep them in business.

Think about it.

They are a bunch of scared to death they're going to lose their jobs lackeys.  Very sad people who cannot fend for themselves in a real world.  Instead, they are dependents of people who are power crazy, literally, like Steven Jobs and Bill Gates.  Both of these are acidheads, thieves, and impotent and insecure men who steal and monger power through the use of others to do their dirty work because they are cowards.

Allow them all to hang themselves with their own ropes.

But do not closed-mindedly ignore their operating systems, rather, study them, get to know them, so that you can crack them.

In cracking their weaknesses, you will crack their power base.

You cannot hit what you cannot perceive.

Perceive them for what they are, falsehoods.



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Know Thy Enemy
« Reply #1 on: 8 July 2003, 22:59 »
I recomend Adheral.  Ever since my friend started taking it life has been much more enjoyable.  People are happy.  Life is happy.  You are happy.

So what are you waiting for ?

pass the peace pipe ^_^
All your base are belong to us.


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Know Thy Enemy
« Reply #2 on: 9 July 2003, 06:14 »
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are not from the same mold, one has taste, style and some talent. The other is a total waste of space.

If your going to be a megalomaniac, at least do it it style.

Also Bill Gates would never stoop to expanding his mind, that would be way to dangerous.

M$ ain't going to be around for ever, I think self implosion will be the cause of death brought about by over confidence and a lack of innovation. But hey who knows right. It's our duty in the mean time to educate.

Boycott ALL M$ products.
The MES Anti-Prude Force
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