Author Topic: Assination of Bill Gates  (Read 1145 times)


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Assination of Bill Gates
« on: 14 December 2001, 02:58 »
Dear Viewers,

Supposing the idea has not already been suggested, which am I sure it has. I 'm curious why we don't form a S.W.A.T. team and take down Mr. Gates? We could singlehandedly be heroes of the computer industry. Think of the praise and relief all of the smaller opressed companies would give us!! The downfall of Microsoft could then begin to take place in which a Honest Company can program a GUI O/S that will become the next Window


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #1 on: 14 December 2001, 03:33 »
You are seriously disturbed and I wouldn't be surprised if you get a visit from the FBI for making such a statement.  It's not a crime to hate Microsoft but to threaten them is a crime. I feel their day is coming but I would feel much better if they fall to a better operating system than by the method you describe.. Hopefully webmaster will remove your post for your benefit...

Are you sure your name isn't Usama?

[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #2 on: 14 December 2001, 05:13 »
Gates is a piece of crap, but his death wouldn't solve anything.  Microsoft is far too big, and Gates is too lacking in charisma, for the company to be crippled much by his loss.  They'd still go on, and if anything, the public would probably be more sympathetic to them, since Joe Public has a tendency not to know any better anyway.

I wouldn't go so far as to delete Osirus's post, as that would be censorship, which I find exceedingly stupid anyway . . .

And as a side note, hell, even Mac OS X has a little inside Gates murder humor.  Look what happens when you type his name at the command prompt:

[localhost:~] fuckmicro% bill gates

OK? kill gates?

Well, I found it cute, in any event.    

[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: The Webmaster ]


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #3 on: 15 December 2001, 12:59 »
Naw, killings too easy. How about this instead? The DOJ develops some backbone, hits Macro$uck with a real penalty; His Gatesness goes broke advertising Win XP because everyone's going Linux. Then Mr. Bill has to spend the rest of his days standing next to highway on-ramps holding up a piece of cardboard that reads: "Will trade Win ME CDs for food" LOL
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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #4 on: 15 December 2001, 13:25 »
Originally posted by jtpenrod:
Naw, killings too easy. How about this instead? The DOJ develops some backbone, hits Macro$uck with a real penalty; His Gatesness goes broke advertising Win XP because everyone's going Linux. Then Mr. Bill has to spend the rest of his days standing next to highway on-ramps holding up a piece of cardboard that reads: "Will trade Win ME CDs for food" LOL
Now that was funny!  


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #5 on: 17 December 2001, 06:43 »
Osirus: You're a fucking idiot


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #6 on: 17 December 2001, 10:59 »
Webmaster, you're shitting me, right? 'Cause I'm going to try that the moment I have my hands on a copy of Mac OS X!
I can't get over you until you get out from under him.


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #7 on: 17 December 2001, 11:20 »
I always thought it was spelled Assassinate.


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #8 on: 17 December 2001, 12:02 »
Originally posted by <Joeseph>:
I always thought it was spelled Assassinate.

Very assinating. I personally think the guy is assinated with Bill Gates.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #9 on: 17 December 2001, 18:04 »
Originally posted by gump420:
Webmaster, you're shitting me, right? 'Cause I'm going to try that the moment I have my hands on a copy of Mac OS X!

Nah, absolutely serious.  It's actually not anything specific to OS X; it's just OS X's command line has, by default, a feature that "guesses" what you meant if you make a typo when entering a command.  It sees "bill" and thinks you probably meant to type "kill" (a proper UNIX command) but made a typo.

This isn't specific to OS X; other UNIXes have that ability too, and would probably do the same thing if you typed in "bill gates."  It's just one of those happy coincidences, the way that searching for "dumb motherfucker" on Google turned up a number of Bill Gates (or was it George W. Bush?) sites -- there was actually a simple explanation for it, but it was funnier to think it was intentional.

And yeah, it's spelled "assassinate."

[ December 17, 2001: Message edited by: The Webmaster ]


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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #10 on: 17 December 2001, 18:14 »
Try going to the LATEST....u kno something.....Bill Gates FUCKS and not dont use winXP as that BASTARD ha PATENTED and PIRACY FREE OS....SON OF A BITCH!
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Assination of Bill Gates
« Reply #11 on: 8 January 2002, 19:31 »
What do you mean "piracy free" I've got several copies of XP Pro(not corporate) That have been hacked so you don't have to register them. Honestly i have no idea why i even have these, I hate windows, i won't ever use it. Maybe i'll save them for when billy bob raids my house, and i can dangle them from the end of a string while he jumps for them. Now that would be funny! BTW i think i still have a tape of him balling his eyes out when an interviewer asked him if his wife married him for his money. I coulen't help it, it was funny as hell!
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