Author Topic: Windows Failed. Please shoot me  (Read 764 times)


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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« on: 15 November 2002, 22:02 »
here i am, working hard (at work), got my autocad up and running, then BAM!!. blue screen. windows xp sucks. it does this alot. i dont even want to bother trying to fix it. i know its a lost cause. but, i am stuck with the windows at work until we switch to archicad, or autodesk releases autocad for mac/linux. come on windows guys, i thought xp didnt blue screen ever? i actually used to keep a tab on how many crashes i had, and what type. from the program dropping to the desktop, to straight BSOD, freezes. the list was long. i think my record is something like 20+ BSODs in one 8hour day, and like 12 freezes. weak.

--just a little pissed and frustrated at work, at least i am only here for 1.5 more hours--


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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #1 on: 15 November 2002, 22:29 »
do you write down the error codes of the fatal exceptions?

for some reason i have a hard time believing they have ever helped anybody. picture it:

you, on phone:
Hello? yes, i just wanted to get some support about this error i got. It says, uh... 'A fatal exception 0E has occurred at 028:C0282dB0 in VxD IFSMGR(03) + 0000 CF7C The current application will be terminated.' What does that mean?
the windows helpdesk guy:
.... <long silence> uh, just let me put you on hold for a minute please... (one line of 'The Brandenburg Concerto No 4' begins to loop over and over in your ear...

(for those of you wondering, that error message means your computer crashed while trying to open or close a control panel, which is obvious really, when you look at it after the fact!)

[ November 15, 2002: Message edited by: [calum@localhost]$ ]

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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #2 on: 15 November 2002, 22:46 »
no, i just kept the numbers of crashes. it must be somewhere in the thousands by now. maybe i should start calling microsoft every 20 minutes, "what does this error mean?", "why did it crash this time?"
maybe after a week of doing that, i could drive them so crazy, that they go on a rampage, destroying the entire microsoft headquarters.    :eek:  
well, i have had the computer running for about 46 minutes with no errors. sounds like a no-contest in the annual "greatest windows uptime" awards.    :(  

--wait a minute. i had another error. damn, there goes my award--

[ November 15, 2002: Message edited by: xyle.10.2.2 ]


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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #3 on: 16 November 2002, 00:31 »
"windows helpdesk"

My vote for best oxymoron of the century....


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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #4 on: 16 November 2002, 00:37 »
Originally posted by xyle.10.2.2:
maybe i should start calling microsoft every 20 minutes, "what does this error mean?", "why did it crash this time?"
maybe after a week of doing that, i could drive them so crazy, that they go on a rampage, destroying the entire microsoft headquarters.    

I hope you have more money than Bill gates because you are not going to get a real person on the phone without a credit card.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #5 on: 16 November 2002, 01:27 »
maybe i should start calling microsoft every 20 minutes, "what does this error mean?",
                     "why did it crash this time?"

Maybe if you did, your employer would get sick of shelling out for M$ support (and software costs and license fees and hardware costs and lost productivity and etc.), dump Windows, and migrate to Linux.  You could always hope :)

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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #6 on: 16 November 2002, 02:43 »
pour a bottle of Sam Adams into the HD, and when it congeals and gums up the drive, say that Windows did it, and that it's a new virus, and you've got the best protection against it... pull out a Linux CD.

They'll install Linux for fear of more HDs gumming up, and you've got five more bottles of Sam Adams to sip on while you install Linux
Go the fuck ~


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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #7 on: 16 November 2002, 03:32 »
Originally posted by The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob:
...and you've got five more bottles of Sam Adams to sip on while you install Linux

But you'll be too busy playing Solitare if you are installing Lycoris. Why can't every OS be fun to install?  


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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #8 on: 17 November 2002, 00:41 »
Perhaps we should start a count. For every computer that says it's hardware is complient with windows xp, count how many errors you get. After about 25,000 we can send microsoft packages, each error will be marked down on a piece of paper (sorry for the trees though), and then we'll says it's microsoft's fault as they have certified that the hardware is complient with their operating system, and bill even said that his operating system has no errors, they are user's problems. Including screen shots would be nice. After all these papers they get, over and over again, they'll be bound to eventually either give up or make it better (for us people that have no choice but to use it).

Doctor V

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Windows Failed. Please shoot me
« Reply #9 on: 18 November 2002, 07:06 »
So, you are stuck with windows.  Life sucks.  But are you absolutely stuck with XP.  You could always upgrade to win2K.  It sucks shit, but beats XP anyday.